檀香木2011-11-17 22:18:51

【檀香木芭蕾】“雷蒙达”:一位舞者的理想 - 芭蕾明星鲁道夫·紐瑞耶夫

【Santal Ballet】Rêve d'Danseur : Les grands ballets de Rudolf Noureev - «Raymonda»

【Sandalo Ballet】Dancer Sogno : Les grandi balletti di Rudolf Nureyev - "Raymonda"

【Sandal Ballet】Dancer's Dream: The Great Ballets of Rudolf Nureyev -"Raymonda"

"Dancer's Dream: The Great Ballets of Rudolf Nureyev -"Raymonda". 1999

Репетиция балета Раймонда, отрывки из балета. В фильме рассказывается о репетиционном процессе постановки балета "Раймонда" в Парижской Опере и события из жизни великого танцовщика. Есть довольно редкие кадры и интервью, которые дадут большее представление о том, как жил и работал Р.Нуреев за границей.


3:40 (with humble smile) Being lazy.

5:10 There is no revolution. I am more like a doctor, helping dancers.

8:10 You see, there are many modern (dance) companies, but they can't do "Raymonda". But Paris Opera CAN do "Raymonda", they CAN do classics. We should move the basic, the center of the repertoire, should be very solid classical work.

13:00 - 13:30 (with elegant smile) C'era una certa sofferenza. (There was some pain.)

25:30 - 26:10 (flying dance, with Renaissance-style dress, sooooo cheerful)

27:30 - 28:00 (with witty smile) la mia esperienza di ballerina "di una certa eta" (my experience as a dancer "of a certain age")

30:40 - 31:30 (heroic dance? masculine dance? or both?)

37:20 When I came to the West, I didn't say "Here I come". No. I came here and say "How do they dance here? How do they move? What is their classics? What is modern dance? ... Ever since 1961, I was curious ...



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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