梦一生2012-02-26 09:24:09

(用 ie 欣赏)

沉 眸 戚 语   



" Tell Me Why "

01 - Room Of Angel

02 - Untitle

03 - Sky ( Korean )

04 - Which of These Worlds play

05 - The Sad Eyed Chief

06 - Dle Yaman ( Armenia )

07 - Breathe

08 - When that earlier

09 - Tell Me Why

10 - On the Edge of Life ( Russian )

11 - 嫁衣 ( Chinese )

12 - Shine

13 - Three is an Orgy, Four is Forever

月近故人2012-02-26 14:01:54
紫千叶2012-02-26 20:02:37
好听!沉 眸 戚 语 ,多谢
林韵2012-02-27 01:57:20
无情有义2012-02-27 03:14:36
Bahama2012-02-27 04:47:25
恍若从遥远的天际传来的歌声,飘渺而神秘,独特优美的制作 (ZT)
法国薰衣草2012-02-28 11:53:12
Very beautiful composition,well done! Thak you Banban!