蹦迪的女孩儿:)2004-10-04 03:30:45
蹦迪的女孩儿:)2004-10-04 03:42:15
i love celine dion too..oops:)
like蹦迪2?2004-10-04 03:45:57
talking to the air?r u a girl
蹦迪的女孩儿:)2004-10-04 03:50:09
yeah, why talk to air?
hahahahah.2004-10-04 03:53:19
how can u tell 狂野is he or she?
蹦迪的女孩儿:)2004-10-04 03:59:05
why would i care? as long as
pfpfpfppf.2004-10-04 04:01:25
wow, open mind.
蹦迪的女孩儿:)2004-10-04 04:03:49
misunderstanding here???^o^