土笋冻2013-03-07 02:08:42


16岁大女儿妮妮谱的曲子先是被TJ高中选上送去District参加比赛,今天我们收到Northern Virginia District 通知,妮妮的曲子获得一年一度Reflection比赛第二名(Award of Excellence )。

今年比赛的命题是:Now and Here (此时此地)。妮妮谱了一个钢琴与小提琴的奏鸣曲。老妈非常喜欢。听起来象一个花季少女对未来美好爱情的向往和憧憬。因为还没有男朋友,她的音乐里有一种很单纯的美,还略带一丝迷茫和挣扎,有点象一根破土而出正在快速生长的洁白豆芽,细细的,水水的,有点弯弯的。。。:)))


Original Video- More videos at TinyPic


Love sonnet

As the sun goes down and stars come out,

I lay in bed and think of you at night.

I know for certain that without a doubt,

My love for you was composed at first sight.


I dream of your bright grin, your caring eyes;

the mere thought of your touch ignites my heart.

If you were mine I'd hold the greatest prize,

We'd always be together, never part.


As I sleep, my dreams turn bittersweet.

I yearn for you; your touch, your smile, your gaze.

My love, I fear, is like a one-way street,

While I am driving on and on for days.


I'm waiting here for your love to transform,

For now I have my dreams to keep me warm

babyboy12013-03-08 03:17:06
土笋冻2013-03-09 00:46:12
土笋冻2013-03-09 00:46:54