醉清风.2004-10-15 23:19:40
    苦乐参半 昨夜得友书,言及友之近日一系列的不幸遭遇, 令我也深感人生之惨酷耳。 客居他乡,必饱受辛苦, 然而, 苦乐参半才是人生 的意境所在吧。 在此抄下古歌,写下后记,以表我虔诚的祝福。 希望你, 坚强一些,勇敢一些,不要被暂时的恶劣 的处境所湮没。 尤盼你的幽默感,积极的人生态度永远如影随形。 如果神有知,也必来向你祈福,你的全家祝福。。。 遥祝安祺 苦 -- 古歌 秋风萧萧愁杀人, 出亦愁, 入亦愁。 座中何人, 谁不怀忧。 令我白头。 胡地多飚风, 树木何修修。 离家日趋远, 衣带日趋缓。 心思不能言, 肠中车轮转。
      Old Song O the winds, swish-swish-swish, in the Autumn Sorrow killing men. Going out: Sorrow Coming in: Sorrow Who among us, friend is not distressed? Makes me white headed, In Just- Tartar land, the world is probably made of winds and, bleak. Trees, Drooping, round and round Blighting, day after day How dead! Home: each day farther away! Girdle: each day becomes looser. All swallowed in thoughts: blocking my tongue Inside the guts, wheels grind and turn. translated by ≠paleink 后记 - -乐 POSTLUDE O Near, but remote friend O the sun comes up-up-up out of darkness of every night For whatever we imagine nowhere to here, never to perfect O near, but remote friend A tree will cry when she hears your crying A tree will laugh when she hears your laughing as sun is a smile as rain is a tear bitter all utterly things sweet Pain all utterly things joy what if a fragility of a strong bites our bodies in two, Sun peels forever out of rain. Fear just dances best on timid’s heart Let’s blow courage to fear misfortune to fortune We could be brighter than even the sun So what a wonderful day is if we could throb like a wildheart sing like a flame dance like a hope Your Near, but remote friend ≠paleink 2004-10-15

自然流露2004-10-16 00:09:57
风语2004-10-16 00:17:36
美图好曲, 享受:)