Gesang2013-09-06 22:09:32

This song is composed by Richard Strauss at 1885 when he was 21, at the beginning of early succesful career as a conductor & composer. A great impact by Franz Liszt’s style I could hear from this work, though I’m not familiar with either composers’ lieder.

So I read more online and found young Strauss experienced a transition of his music style during the career at Meiningen Orchestra. A closest major work at this time is “Aus Italien (1886; From Italy), a ‘symphonic fantasy’ based on his impressions during his first visit to Italy”. I bet he took some photos at the symphony premiere, and yes I was lucky to find a photo of him from 1886.

Best two versions that I like on Youtube is from Fritz Wunderlich and Lotte Lehmann. A brief illustration from Lotte’s book can be found at Amazon (More Than Singing: The Interpretation of Song). I like Wonderlich more, while Lehmann’s illustration is really helpful to understand the meaning of this poem.

About composer’s early life -

Score -’Letzte_Bl%C3%A4tter’,_Op.10_(Strauss,_Richard)

Lyrics with translation -

法国薰衣草2013-09-10 16:22:05
德国人的浪漫是骨子里的浪漫, 他们诗歌,音乐都那么动人,喜欢德国艺术歌