-乔疯-2004-10-30 13:14:50

具有很明显的凯尔特民谣特色, 流传很广的乡村民谣作品,曲词作者已经不得而知了.
据说是 Francis McPeake是第一个演唱的,但是一些考证说明他仅是演唱者而并非创作者.

此歌还有一个歌名 "Will You Go Lassie, Go"

Wild Mountain Thyme

Oh, the summertime is comin',
And the trees are sweetly blooming,
Where the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather

Will ye go, lassie, will ye go?
And we'll all go together to pick wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather.
Will ye go, lassie, will ye go?

I will build my love a bower
By yon pure crystal fountain
And around it I will place
All the flowers of the mountain.

If my true love e'er should leave me
I would surely find another
Where the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather.

Oh, the autumn-time is comin',
And the leaves are gently falling,
Where the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather

KeyBoard2004-10-31 00:29:14
很喜欢! 乔大侠能否给个下载链接?
nes2004-10-31 00:35:38
回复:很喜欢! 乔大侠能否给个下载链接?
KeyBoard2004-10-31 01:18:28
回复:回复:很喜欢! 乔大侠能否给个下载链接?
nes2004-10-31 01:24:50
Here you go.
keyBoard2004-10-31 01:30:27
落花娴情曾贴过一个林亨柱版MTV(will you go)
keyBoard2004-10-31 01:32:13
Thanks a lot!