jiehk2016-01-31 08:25:30




格莱美奖制作人Peter Asher 对《你是这样的人》评价 (TV 版删除)

"Everything was spectacular, just amazing, what a pleasure to be here. Your intonation was extraordinary, everything was perfectly tuned, the great song that I didn't know, of course I, I know it's well known to some of you, may well known to some of us. But, but congratulation, everything about it is really good with you. You sang it with real emotional intensity without getting theatrically cheesy about it, if you know what I mean, so, the beauty of the song spoke for itself, I thought it was excellent, the band is amazing, congratulations everybody, great flute play, great cello play, beautiful orchestration, I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you very much and well done."

yjz20082016-01-31 13:54:05
喜欢这句:You sang with real emotional intensity
summer19912016-02-01 01:09:33
riverstone2016-02-02 04:50:15
yjz20082016-02-02 21:44:39