Sopor Aeternus,德语,永恒沉睡或永恒死亡。孤独游荡的野鬼,肉体腐烂,灵魂抽脱,由于找不到归宿所在,他们在散发着腐肉,死亡气息的墓地里盘旋。黑夜是他们的影子。 仔细听着,风中呜咽的哭诉是他们的歌唱。
Sopor Aeternus本名Varney。自幼受到母亲的虐待,自始他从小性格孤僻。一个孤独的孩子,不相信世界,寂寞和孤独成为他以后生命里唯一的色彩。他眼中的世界是灰色的。他音乐的内容是黑色的。
长大后的varney有了易性僻。受到人们的嘲弄与诋毁。对世界彻底失望的他把精力全部投入了音乐。他宣称要进行易性手术,并在2000年的专辑《Dead lovers'Sarabande Face Two》的唱片内页中展示了它的女性器官。他所有的唱片照片全都使用黑白照片,符合了音乐主旨,但由于内容颓靡,受到很多乐评人的否定。
听Sopor Aeternus的音乐,有时会被他独特的诠释弄得疼痛,他总是用一种慢半拍怠慢的语调,你可以听得出他在哭泣。那种被压抑被禁锢的声音是每个人灵魂深处不可触碰的角落。我们会流泪,会疼痛,是因为心里有阴暗。可是窗外月光冷淡,有人微笑,有人拥抱,有人哭泣,有人正在死去。
No one is there
now and then I'm scared
when i seem to forget
how sounds become words or even sentances
No i don't speak anymore and what could i say
since no one is there and there is nothing to say
so i prefer to lie in darkest silence alone
listening to the lack of light or sound
or someone to talk to for something to share
but there is no hope and no one is there
no no no not one living soul
and there is nothing left to say
in darkness I lie all alone by myself
sleeping most of the time to endure the pain
I am not breathing a word
i haven't spoken for weeks
and yet the mistress inside me is secretly straining her ear
But there is no one and it seems to me at times
that with every passing hour another word is leaving my mind
I am the mistress of loneliness
my court is deserted but i do not care
The presence of people is ugly and cold
and something i can neither watch nor bear
So i prefer to lie in darkest silence alone
listening to the lack of light or sound
or someone to talk to for something to share
but there is no hope and no one is there
no I don't speak anymore and what should i say
since no one is there and there is nothing to say
all is oppressive alles ist schwer
there is no one and no one is there
Sopor Aeternus/Anna-Varney的音乐作品,完全可以被认为 是最真实的Gothic/Darkwave。音乐本身融合哥特乐、古典乐及中世纪乐派的 各种风格,配器更是相当多样,管弦乐包括长笛、大号、长号、巴松、双簧管, 以及各种提琴、钢琴等等。。。由此我们可以看到Anna-Varney惊人的音乐 天赋。而更重要的是:在每首动人的歌曲后面,我们都可以感受到一颗真实的 黑暗之心在耳边跳动,一个低沉的声音在心中回响——那是Anna-Varney在试图 唤醒我们,那些被他称为“堕入永恒沉睡”的人们。