【專輯藝人】: Robin Spielberg 【專輯名稱】: Heal Of The Hand 【發行日期】: 1993年10月05日 【唱片公司】: North Star Music 【專輯類型】: New-age, Instrumental, Piano, Easy Listening 【專輯介紹】: Heal of the Hand is Robin Spielberg's debut recording of original piano solos. First released independently by the artist in 1993, it was later picked up by the North Star Music label and became their fastest-selling album ever. This album is subtitled beautiful piano solos , and it isn t hard to see why. Lilting, romantic, sometimes nostalgic, these pieces go straight for the heart and then stay there. This is the CD that launched Robin's career as one of today s premier composer/pianists. Born into a musical family, pianist Robin Spielberg began lessons at the age of seven; she also played organ and violin while a child. She attended Michigan State University and New York University, working extensively in each school's theater department. After graduation, Spielberg began playing professionally, often at hotels in the New York area. That job naturally grew into a vehicle for her original compositions and later, a recording career. Signed to North Star Music in 1994, she released several albums during the rest of the decade, including Heal of the Hand, Spirit of the Holidays, Unchained Melodies, In the Heart of Winter, and Songs of the Spirit. ★手的治愈★是Robin Spielberg的原創鋼琴獨奏首次錄製。 首先於1993年由North Star Music獨立發行,在這張唱片裡,你聽的不是技巧的炫耀,不是造作到矯情,用黑白鍵唱出女人的心情表白,豔女以女人細密的心思與天生到柔情,她指尖中流露著淡淡的纏綿與濃濃的思念。 聽她那宛若夏日的靜謐而生氣盎然的花園樂曲,是很溫暖愉快的回憶。 Robin Spielberg在全世界擁有無數忠誠聽眾,很多人認為Robin Spielberg的音樂具有撫慰人心的力量及「治療心靈」的功效,她曾在代表至高榮譽的卡內基音樂廳裡舉行個人音樂會,並名列史坦威鋼琴名人冊,更被獲選為美國音樂療法協會藝術發言人。正如鋼琴家阿胥肯納吉所言,Robin 的琴聲就像一面透明的鏡子,一扇玻璃窗;同時身兼演奏家及作曲家的Robin Spielberg,讓聽者感受到一種音樂純真的質地,她像打開一個通道,帶我們踏上美好私密的記憶小徑,天空中漾著花香,蝴蝶翩翩舞著,或飄灑著小雨,經過童年的風中之樹、在青春的草原上漫步,回憶一場熱情的球賽. . . . 。不管你經歷了什麼、將去面對什麼,Robin的溫柔,會讓你更勇敢。 【專輯曲目】: 1. Soldiers Journey 2. Back to You 3. Flower in the Rock 4. After the Rain 5. Crystal Fountain 6. Return of a Knight 7. Ireland 8. Montclair 9. Prairie 10. Amy's Lullaby 11. Windows in the Dark ----- All music copyrighted and of sampler quality please purchase original materials ----- ----- 所有的音樂只是試聽音質請尊重版權購買原裝版本 -----