2004-12-03 05:24:08

去年我曾是这里的常客.那一年里,事业家庭健康诸事不如意,对生活失望,对自己失去信心,所以爱听音乐散心,在音乐里流连,流浪.闲时就来YYKD发贴,分享音乐.但是2004年是我的幸运年,一切峰回路转,柳岸花明.这两年里,我学会了在得到中失去,在失去中获得,学会了在逆境中找到自信.其实逆境也是一种宝贵的人生经验与财富.记得2003年的YYKD真是热热闹闹,百花齐放.今年太忙碌,甚少来这里.时光飞逝,转眼又到了年尾,发现好多ID都消失了,不过也出现了很多新ID新成员.YYKD象一个心灵驿站,人来人往,不变的只有音乐这个主题.送上这首歌,是我很喜欢的歌手ANNIE LENNOX.歌词很好,代表了我的心境.这是她去年的专辑《BARE》里的第一首歌,非常喜爱.送给各位,特别是那些潜水很深的老网友,祝你们一切都好,也祝音乐快递越办越好,愿快乐的时候,它是人们欢聚的乐园,失落的时候,它是心灵慰籍的港湾!

A Thousand Beautiful Things
Annie Lennox

Every day I write the list
Of reasons why I still believe they do exist
(a thousand beautiful things)
And even though it's hard to see
The glass is full and not half empty
(a thousand beautiful things)
So... light me up like the sun
To cool down with your rain
I never want to close my eyes again
Never close my eyes
Never close my eyes

I thank you for the air to breathe
The heart to beat
The eyes to see again
(a thousand beautiful things)
And all the things that's been and done
The battle's won
The good and bad in everyone
(this is mine to remember)
So ...
Here I go again
Singin' by your window
Pickin' up the pieces of what's left to find

The world was meant for you and me
To figure out our destiny
(a thousand beautiful things)
To live
To die
To breathe
To sleep
To try to make your life complete
(yes yes)
So ...
Light me up like the sun
To cool down with your rain
I never want to close my eyes again
Never close my eyes
never close my eyes ...
That is everything I have to say
(that's all I have to say)
虽不相识但潜水很深2004-12-03 10:16:04
samehere2004-12-03 13:45:01
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