cruiser2005-01-07 19:51:17

"的而且確,在十一月的深秋時分,很難看到人群在擠擁著的熱鬧場面,但自己在長長的防波堤上坐下來,遙望著前方象徵這茅ヶ崎的小島,隨身聽聽著Southern All Stars的「TSUNAMI」,心中覺得有點不是味兒。" forgive my insensitivity, just this song came to my mind due to this tragedy it was released in 2000 as the 44th single by the band ans sold a record of 3 million cd, voted song of the year 海嘯 作曲 桑田佳佑 編曲 Southern All Stars 作詞 桑田佳佑 主唱 Southern All Stars 膽怯的我在風裡迷失方向 路過那日的幻象 事實上比起所見過的那幻象 我有過更愛哭的過去 長流不息的清澈之水啊 燃燒不盡的魔性之火啊 可是與所愛女子約會的夏季 已不再復見 每個人都也在找尋著愛 在黑暗裡徘徊的命運 然後任憑清風 Oh, My Destiny 直到眼淚流乾為止 當我倆互相凝望時 便不能坦率地說話 有如對海嘯般的孤寂 I know … 產生畏懼, Hoo … 從偶遇的那一刻起就連魔法也解除不了 在如鏡般的夢裡 回憶總是下著雨 遠眺著快要哭出來的天空 那隻在波浪上飄蕩著的海鷗 世間一定會憐憫 Oh, Sweet Memory 旅程記於心裡 每個人若不讓人看見眼淚的話是不會成長的 對於那如玻璃般的戀愛 I Know … 是察覺到的, Hoo … 我的身心也只看見所愛的女子 在快要破裂的內心深處 何解要忍受著這悲痛呢 ? 當我倆互相凝望時 便不能坦率地說話 有如對海嘯般的孤寂 I know … 產生畏懼, Hoo … 從偶遇的那一刻起便說出至死仍會愛著你 在如鏡般的夢裡 給我微笑的人是誰 ? 何解儘管心愛著仍然會哭呢 ? 回憶總是下著 … 雨 kaze ni tomadou yowakina boku toorisugaru ano hi no kage hontou wa mita me ijou namida moroi kako ga aru the wind confuses my weakened self, the disappearing shadow of that person , [ day ? ] i can't believe that it was really a tearful past tomedo nagareru sayaka mizu yo kesedo moyuru mashou no hi yo anna ni sukina hito ni deau natsu wa nido to nai the clear water that flows unstoppably the inextinguishable magic fire that doesnt burn out that summer day , i met my true love but that season will not return again hito wa dare mo ai motomete yami ni samayou sadame soshite kaze makase Oh, My destiny namida kareru made human fate is always looking for love always wandering aimlessly in the dark so follow the wind , OH MY DESTINY the tears run dry and stop mitsumeau to sunao ni oshaberi dekinai tsunami no youna wabishisa ni I know.. obieteru, Hoo.. meguriaeta toki kara mahou ga tokenai kagami no youna yume no naka de when i look deeply into your eyes , i cant speak out what's in my heart like the kind of panic , crashing(of the waves ), helplessness , when a tsunami comes I KNOW .... the retreating me , HOOO..... after meeting that moment , it's like a unbreakable curse it's like being in a mirror-like dream omoide wa itsu no hi mo ame in my memories , it's always raining everyday yume ga owari mezameru toki fukai yami ni yoake ga kuru hontou wa mitame ijou utarezuyoi boku ga iru when i wake from my dreams in a sheet of dark and desolate darkness , the dawn appears i really am more strong i am in my imagination nakidashisouna sora nagamete nami ni tadayou kamome kitto yo wa nakase Oh, sweet memory tabidachi wo mune ni looking at the sky , tears fill my eyes , seagulls floating with the waves , i think this must be the cold and warmth in the world , OH SWEET MEMORY the wandering thoughts , rush up in my heart hito wa namida misezu ni otona ni narenai Glass no youna koi da to wa I know.. kizuiteru, Hoo.. mi mo kokoro mo itoshii hito shika mienai harisakesouna mune no oku de kanashimi ni taeru no wa naze? if people dont cry , they dont grow love , is like a piece of glass I KNOW , have to be careful , HOOO... with all your heart and attention , in your eyes there is only the one you love my heart , is so painful it feels like it will be ripped apart why , can i sustain this kind of sadness and pain ? mitsumeau to sunao ni oshaberi dekinai tsunami no youna wabishisa ni I know.. obieteru, Hoo.. meguriaeta toki kara shinu made suki to itte kagami no youna yume no naka de when i look deeply into your eyes , i can't speak out what's in my heart like the kind of panic , crashing(of the waves ) , helplessness , ( that you would feel ) when a tsunami comes I KNOW .... the retreating me , HOOO ..... after meeting with that moment , i say i would rather die it's like being in a mirror-like dream hohoemi wo kureta no wa dare? suki nanoni naita no wa naze? omoide wa itsu no hi mo... ame who gave me a smile ? why do i still cry when i love you like this ? in my memories , it's always raining everyday Contributed by Laine TSUNAMI 作者: alexlam (gc830213) 學校: IVE (KT) 班級: HD-BA Yr 3 日期: 2004-12-29   【TSUNAMI】   2004 年 12 月 26 日。   在這天以前,〔TSUNAMI〕這個字對筆者來說,只是一個幾年前被日本樂隊 SOUTHERN ALL STARS 用上了的歌曲名稱,或者只是從地理課本上才會明白到的自然現象。   雖然以前也有讀過這類事故的報導,卻覺得有點事不關己的那種,也可能是地域太遠以至不會用心去了解。   正如每天也會從新聞片段中看到的以、巴衝突,開始盲目了,只當成是一樁普通新聞來看,不會想到背後失去生命的人數。   卻沒有想到今趟,會牽動這突如其來的連鎖反應,像骨牌被推倒的情況。   不清楚世界各國,在何時用上這個日語詞彙的羅馬拼音來代表這個災難。   但在日語的世界裏,這個羅馬拼音寫出來的漢字叫做〔津波〕。   不太喜歡用上那個中文名字,總覺得有點神化、誇張及在暗示著人類被駕馭了。   無疑今次人類真的被吞噬了。   一秒間蠶食一切幸福家庭、一切放鬆的心情、一切美好的前景、一切手上的工作、一切讓人值得留下的記憶。   仍然祈求世界和平的人,內心是純潔和對前景充滿希望,可是這一切已經變得不再理所當然,一秒後的世界是怎樣的也不能搞清楚。   日子被冠上另一層意義,正如對部份人來說,緊急求助電話號碼等如國殤一樣。   新聞片段傳來的情境,只想到是鐵達尼號和【聖經】內的挪亞方舟,我們可以做到的,可能只有祈禱和面對變化。   牛頓曾對【聖經】提及末日而作出過一個預言的時間:2060 年,開始有點相信。   剎那間覺得香港是片福地,沒有甚麼大災難、也沒有太多生活的煩惱和懼怕。   悼因此事而離開這個世界的逝者,望他們能盡快進入安息之所。
cruiser2005-01-07 19:57:20
cantonese version