Trinity2005-05-13 17:14:22
我很喜欢 stumblin' in, 找了很久想下载, 但是只在 iTune Store有. 刚刚才看见你5月10号发的贴, 非常感谢 sharing it with us. Do you mind if I ask you to send the MP3 to me?

I am also looking for another song, "You are so Vain". I bet you must have it, do you minding sharing it with us as well?

Millions of thanks
Dr-Doctor2005-05-13 17:21:59
I just posted earlier today :)
Dr-Doctor2005-05-13 17:25:08
stumblin' in
Trinity2005-05-13 18:11:08
Thanks so much. Is this
Dr-Doctor2005-05-13 18:12:45
I think so.
Trinity2005-05-13 18:16:36
英文不好2005-05-14 06:25:35
请问,stumblin' in 是什么意思?