我把今天摘的豇豆给临居Bob了。每都有这么一盆。我最喜欢吃的是泡豇豆炒肉馅。已经泡了5坛了。还嗮了3杆了。我实在是吃不过来了。 忘了说,我的邻居非常高兴!
我也告诉我临居: 另一种方法是将其煮沸一分钟或不到两分钟。在煮沸前将一点点盐和植物油(各1 茶匙)放在水中。煮了后,要在冷水里泡一下。这是中国的做法。然后你就可以做成美味的沙拉。 Dear Bob, the other way is to boil it for 1 minute or less than 2 minutes. Before you boil it, please add some salt and vegetable oil (1 teaspoon for each) into the water. After you boil it, you should put it in cold water for a few minutes. . That is the Chinese way. Then you can make nice salads.