影云2021-05-27 04:03:25




These two days I’ve kept hearing the bird sing. The singing is penetrating - - - how many bird songs have I heard in my life now? And how many can I remember? - - - but this one, by the bird perching on the tree top and singing unapologetically, I pause and listen and cannot forget! I can recognize it immediately and I am expecting to hear it sing whenever I pass by. Upon the singing, even a heated day suddenly has the cool of romanticism.


The bird has not been around since yesterday afternoon. The day is back to ordinary again - - - dusty and noisy and exhausted - - - from its absence. What have I heard from the bird’s singing then? I said it’s a Song yesterday. That’s not really what I meant. I labeled it a song based on something I was trying to stay away from, or, the tendency to romanticize.  What I heard indeed is a CRY!  The Cry made me tremble. Irresistible. I looked upward in its direction and I wanted to hear more, and I wanted to cry with the Cry, uncontrollably.

The cry touches a Soul, from that of a bird to mine, or

From that of a Nobody

To that of another





beautifulwind2021-05-27 04:07:38
beautifulwind2021-05-27 04:11:06
Bird song has a romantic spirit under your pen.:)
影云2021-05-27 04:15:15
Thank you! :)
2021-05-27 04:30:35
影云2021-05-27 04:49:18
just_4_fun2021-05-27 07:15:00
Like a breath of fresh air...
盈盈一笑间2021-05-27 12:47:04
+ 1 欣赏!
盈盈一笑间2021-05-27 12:48:32
二郎桥2021-05-27 12:52:40
The cry touches a Soul --- what a touchable soul!
移花接木2021-05-27 13:37:40
a good way to release pressure
天山晨2021-05-27 13:48:04
轻轻的我来2021-05-27 14:16:20
Cry is a part of life, tears wash our soul.
青松站2021-05-27 16:38:21
"Puppy Love-^-^..
甜虫虫2021-05-27 18:33:15
摄影作品真棒!英文短文也棒棒哒。Bird songs are music to my ears:)
何仙姑2021-05-27 19:43:17
影云2021-05-27 22:30:29
LYJiang2021-05-28 02:14:54
A touching prose poem.