If it were the last day of my life
If it were the last day of my life
Let me go to (the)North pole as I like
To watch the mysterious blue green polar lights
as (if)peacocks open tail feathers and eagles spead( wings)in the sky
If it were the last day of my life
Let me visit the vast space with a twilight(twilights)
to experience my heart without a centroid
floating in the Mars with(in) endless time
If it were the last day of my life
Let me have a never awakened dream with Mars and a polar light (polar lights)
Let the dream embed on my tips of my long hair
to be with me forever in my life
If it were the last day of my life
Let me go to North pole as I like
To watch the mysterious blue green polar lights
as peacocks open tail feathers and eagles spead in the sky
If it were the last day of my life
Let me visit the vast space with a twilight
to experience my heart without a centroid
floating in the Mars with endless time
If it were the last day of my life
let me have a never awakened dream with Mars and a polar light
Let the dream embed on my tips of my hair
to be with me forever in my life
美语世界2021年三月E外桃源活动颁奖典礼及合辑 (请点击视频看颁奖典礼)
Needless to say how much chaos or what kind ordeals we have been through for the past year, and yet, more days still to come. That is something to remember in one’s life and pass down to future generations. With social limitations and curfews we had to cancel our travel plans. Our feet are restricted, it is just a bad time. But a bad time should not make bad lives, there is nothing to stop the free mind. [E外桃源] is just such an event to share ideas of magnificent virtual tours. So glad to have so many happy souls together in MYSJ during this stressful time! For those who made contributions to this event, you are not sharing your memories or imaginations, you are passing positive energies. For anyone witnessing this event, your appreciation and comments had added much much more to this moment of joy. Today we are still confined but we are willing to do so in order that tomorrow we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Collectively we make ourselves stronger individuals. Brothers and sisters, I am very delighted to announce [E外桃源] award ceremony begins, I wish you a very good time and enjoy your stay in MYSJ.
--- 移花接木 Mar/21/2021 (请点击视频看颁奖典礼) 天玉之2021-07-05 22:09:54 沙发! 陶陶三2021-07-05 22:14:05 两蓝各得10分,美风得20分。美风此战平手! 天玉之2021-07-05 22:20:50 “Let the dream embed on my tips of my long hair to be with me beautifulwind2021-07-05 22:25:43 哈哈哈,哈梅可要每天公布分数啦,本来还说陶导在热心记分,你可别在这儿舞蹈啊:) beautifulwind2021-07-05 22:27:52 最后一天还剪啥头发:)我在写之前专门研读了你的说服,获取了写诗的灵感,要不是活动规则,我就把你也写上了:) 陶陶三2021-07-05 22:28:23 那以官方记录为准,总有一两个捣乱的群众,比赛才感觉逼真。:-) 天玉之2021-07-05 22:36:01 噢,我以为你从现在开始做梦,留头发呢,呵呵,a quick learner! 结构真是挺好的,就这么写,清清楚楚的逻辑关系,水灵 唐古2021-07-05 22:54:01 好诗! beautifulwind2021-07-05 23:05:48 哈哈,感觉我在牙牙学语,还说不利索:) easyboy2021-07-05 23:37:58 Gone with the Solar Wind! beautifulwind2021-07-05 23:48:14 说得太对啦:)哈哈,我实在是写不出东东,就拼凑了几个场景,顺便也 easyboy2021-07-06 00:03:56 极光能给人带来两种相关的感官体验和遐想 移花接木2021-07-06 00:19:03 反正最后一天,来点摇头丸儿算了 何仙姑2021-07-06 00:59:55 躺平! 陶陶三2021-07-06 01:01:19 我看了美风写的,一天根本玩不下来。那至少得是个十天半月游。:-) beautifulwind2021-07-06 01:22:39 哈哈,看来我是太自律太亏了,连咖啡都不喝:)花董,如果最后一天,你想干什么? beautifulwind2021-07-06 01:24:13 仙姑你去哪了?上次一直等你的作业!赶紧,不管躺不躺平,为绿队加油!!!:) beautifulwind2021-07-06 01:29:44 哈哈,谢谢陶导擅自延长了十天半个月的life:) ibelieu2021-07-06 01:34:48 Beautiful poem. Nicely done. Love it. Well, I beautifulwind2021-07-06 01:40:44 哇,你真看过极光!纽约居然有?!嘿嘿,我这是去Mars,不是Jeff Bezos去的地儿,不是自绑。:) ibelieu2021-07-06 01:45:41 Yes, I did. We saw them shortly after the plane took off 盈盈一笑间2021-07-06 03:14:55 一箭双雕 beautifulwind2021-07-06 03:23:13 必须的,这我都嫌绑得少:) beautifulwind2021-07-06 03:26:22 活动通知在这儿: Ha654942021-07-06 03:53:52 无拘无束,写得真好! 天玉之2021-07-06 03:57:03 听你们这么一说,我想起我几年前也写过一首,是关于最后一天的,挺浪漫的,要不要发一下助兴? 可惜绑你没分加 :) 陶陶三2021-07-06 04:18:11 绑架之再绑架,我自己删了,送20分。 beautifulwind2021-07-06 06:25:49 谢谢哈美,辛苦啦!:) beautifulwind2021-07-06 06:26:18 谢谢陶导送20分:) Ha654942021-07-06 06:33:52 现在蓝 :绿 = 180 : 180 (算得对吗?:) beautifulwind2021-07-06 06:40:55 跟在花董那,你算花董的了吗?算上他的就是: 200:190了,你跟在他的主帖下就好了:) 天边一片白云2021-07-06 11:38:04 美风的诗越来越有意境了。 AP339122021-07-06 12:01:00 很飘逸的诗,这飞天使在最后一天够忙的呢。 移花接木2021-07-06 20:46:51 来点摇头丸儿算了 - 移花接木 - 甜虫虫2021-07-06 23:29:42 Very nice!!M ars and polar lights:) beautifulwind2021-07-07 05:15:54 白云你今天太棒啦! 明天接着绑啊:) beautifulwind2021-07-07 05:16:55 哈哈哈,没办法,谁让只剩一天了呢:) beautifulwind2021-07-07 05:18:18 虫虫现在就可以去玩scuba diving啊!:) 天山晨2021-07-08 02:29:43 好诗!写得有感觉,绑得好! LYJiang2021-07-11 06:59:58 Kudos to you for your bold renditions. 继续阅读 The Moon Represents My heart欲借嵯峨 2021-07-05 12:52:03【蓝队】【美坛蓝绿绑架争霸】can you feel the love tonight(狮子王插曲)才歌 2021-07-05 03:35:18一次逃亡之旅:伊卡洛斯的坠落立 2021-07-05 02:46:51【写在美国国庆节】中英文双语诗天玉之 2021-07-05 02:16:25《America the Beautiful》FuRongLi 2021-07-04 18:45:52【绿队】【美坛蓝绿绑架争霸】【说服】天玉之 2021-07-04 13:40:45第一个人民公社 & July 4thLYJiang 2021-07-04 04:27:04【蓝队】【美坛蓝绿绑架争霸】绑架唱坛女明星奥黛丽唐古 2021-07-03 20:58:49【蓝队】【美坛蓝绿绑架争霸】请欣赏虫虫与猫王合唱《Can’t Help Falling in Love》移花接木 2021-07-03 17:41:16【一句话翻译】(Do All ...) 答案ibelieu 2021-07-03 17:20:41 同作者 挖坑:Do u guys buy lottery?beautifulwind 2021-10-08 01:08:19好消息,美坛即将举行的活动主持人已经找到:青松站 & 白宫发言人beautifulwind 2021-10-07 02:12:46看看怎么说医学的各个专业(小幽默):beautifulwind 2021-10-05 00:29:51川川&茶茶主持的【ToYouToMe】的散文诗般的颁奖典礼视频已经制作完毕,明天周日请大家来走红毯领奖!:)beautifulwind 2021-09-25 22:23:37【ToYouToMe】【求安慰】泪海 祝悠悠及秤子们生快 及就美坛征求童鞋们意见建议beautifulwind 2021-09-23 07:40:11【ToYouToMe】活动本周五(9/24)结束,本周日(9/26)颁奖典礼!前川和茶诗人已经设计好奖项!beautifulwind 2021-09-20 04:45:23【ToYouToMe】【求安慰】Pianobeautifulwind 2021-09-14 01:18:15告诉大家一个好消息,本月【ToYouToMe】活动将有前川和WXCTEATIME主持!!beautifulwind 2021-09-09 05:53:08【ToYouToMe】【送温暖】Visiting The Griffith Observatorybeautifulwind 2021-09-08 21:30:56【听歌练听力】Before You Go --Lewis Capaldi 答案及歌词中的Idiomsbeautifulwind 2021-09-08 16:32:53 |