天玉之2021-07-07 20:04:44






花繁叶茂,炽热可爱的七月,月圆星明的夜晚  ~~














Sing by Bertie Higgins



I fell in love with you watching Casablanca
(    ) (    ) of the drive-in show in the (  ) light
Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars
Became champagne and (     )
Making love on a long hot summer's night



I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca
Holding hands 'neath the (  ) fans in Rick's candle (  ) cafe
Hiding in the shadows from the (   )Moroccan moonlight in your eyes 
Making magic at the movies in my old (   )



Oh, a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your (    )
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by



I guess, (   ) are many broken hearts in Casablanca
You know I've never really been there, so I don't know
I guess our love story will (   )  be seen
On the big wide (    ) screen
But it hurt just as bad, when I had to watch you go



Oh, a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss (    ) your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by



Oh, a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
I love you more and more each day as time goes by



































beautifulwind2021-07-07 20:10:23
rockcurrent2021-07-07 21:39:39
哎呀呀呀呀,亲们还在坚持着!佩服佩服. 谢谢楼主推荐的经典歌曲.
天玉之2021-07-07 21:45:36
不谢,美风下令,我从命,高兴你喜欢!昨天花了不少时间找的呢,太多好听的歌了,反而不好选 :)
Ha654942021-07-07 21:48:14
天玉之2021-07-07 21:55:40
谢谢!多练习呗,这样的听力练习对提高真是很有效,让我想起大学上听力课的情景 :)答案我明天公布,你还可以再听,修改。。。
Ha654942021-07-07 21:57:28
天玉之2021-07-07 22:04:40
一共13个括弧哈 ~
2021-07-07 22:50:26
a kiss is still a kiss , aa kk iiii t ll ssssss, a kiss is still
甜虫虫2021-07-07 23:16:15
交作业 :)
陶陶三2021-07-07 23:18:00
天玉之2021-07-07 23:35:58
天玉之2021-07-07 23:37:27
你第一个交卷儿,给你三分儿 extra credits, 满分!:)
天玉之2021-07-07 23:38:29
唐古2021-07-07 23:40:43
Me too
天玉之2021-07-07 23:40:48
又快又完美!给你加一分extra credit, A+!
天玉之2021-07-07 23:45:07
呵呵,给你50分,外加50分 extra credits for being an outstanding ceremony
天玉之2021-07-07 23:51:13
大谢唐古君支持 Me too,给你 200分!这坛就靠你把门了哈 :)
beautifulwind2021-07-08 00:19:39
移花接木2021-07-08 00:24:30
忒忒绿2021-07-08 00:44:00
经典英语情歌,歌词不能再美,But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh 赞玉教好选!
AP339122021-07-08 00:51:00
谢谢介绍。玉教授没利用这机会kipnap Bryant Adam.
天山晨2021-07-08 01:31:47
天玉之2021-07-08 03:42:21
呵呵,同意!我有时候突然兴起,可以一首首老歌听,听一晚上,真正的 “百感交集” :)
天玉之2021-07-08 03:46:03
同感,的确是,谢谢!作业做得很好,这次似乎大家做得都很好,但有一个字。。。值得斟酌 :)
天玉之2021-07-08 03:48:38
不客气。I am a lady. I don’t kidnap. He comes to me ~~
天玉之2021-07-08 03:51:46
谢谢!高兴喜欢!作业很好,几乎完美,也是一个字,不过,与大家那个字不同 :)
beautifulwind2021-07-08 06:20:09
天玉之2021-07-08 15:43:24
谢谢!98分 加 50分 午夜赶作业辛苦可嘉 extra credits, 再加100分 兢兢业业好版主 extra
天玉之2021-07-08 16:05:27
多谢各位参与,支持!正确答案在此。 现在小结一下:
beautifulwind2021-07-09 00:37:24
恭喜玉教。首页进来,谢谢网管,听歌练听力 几首我喜欢的浪漫英文歌曲 推荐成功
天玉之2021-07-09 04:00:37
噢,这个也上了首页,太好了!多谢网管和美版!这个节目很好,谢谢各位参与,我也很高兴与大家分享好听的歌 ~~