天边一片白云2021-08-28 07:01:16

Hello everyone.  My mom send me here to say "Hi" to everyone on behalf of  her.   Some of you may know a little of me.  Some may not . My name is BUSTER. I am a boy.  I am five years old now. I am a Goldendoodle ( I am not in golden color though). I am very smart, sociable, friendly and stubborn ( my mom added last word).

I was at my new home when I was 8 weeks old. My mom said I was adopted because my sister cried for a younger brother and my sister promised to walk me everyday.


I love Summer. In Summer, I can play more in parks. I go camping, hiking and swimming.


I like winter too. It is fun to run in the snow or just sit there watching the pure, quite snow scenery. You see I have fast-growing fur.  I don't feel cold even in Candian winter. But my mom sometime insisted putting on a jacket for me.  Many moms are like this. When they feel cold, they believe their kids must be feeling cold too.


Who said that: "Mothers are the best on the world". You can say it again. My mum alway make delicious treats and make birthday cake for me.


I am not just playing and eating all day. I also have dream. One of my biggest dream is to eat the braised pork elbow and baozi made by 移花大叔.


Bye now. See you in the MYSJ COSPLAY party.
beautifulwind2021-08-28 07:16:46
beautifulwind2021-08-28 07:21:39
移花接木2021-08-28 13:53:53
Buster had melted my heart. 一睁眼看到白云,一天好心情
天山晨2021-08-28 13:55:14
AP339122021-08-28 14:00:00
Good boy ? More than a toy,Looks so lovely,Make her happy.
忒忒绿2021-08-28 14:07:00
All so cute Buster and his mommy:))
陶陶三2021-08-28 14:41:40
天边一片白云2021-08-28 14:51:47
WXCTEATIME2021-08-28 14:53:24
Cute and cool!
天边一片白云2021-08-28 14:53:53
天边一片白云2021-08-28 15:00:42
移花接木2021-08-28 15:45:12
Buster脸型更像标准poodle, 毛色漂亮尤其是在雪地里,分不清是身上粘的雪还是他的白毛。
移花接木2021-08-28 15:49:00
前川2021-08-28 16:03:36
盈盈一笑间2021-08-28 16:35:51
beautifulwind2021-08-28 17:39:17
天边一片白云2021-08-28 18:39:10
对,Buster has 3/4 poodle. 他其实不太会游泳。
天边一片白云2021-08-28 18:43:14
Thank you AP. 总算有资格进入你将主持的大庆典了。
天边一片白云2021-08-28 18:49:49
天边一片白云2021-08-28 19:01:51
绿绿好。Buster is cute. but mommy is not.
天边一片白云2021-08-28 19:06:16
天边一片白云2021-08-28 19:07:55
天边一片白云2021-08-28 19:16:13
刚刚听了你的inspiration speech. 大赞。
提啦米酥2021-08-28 23:03:03
甜虫虫2021-08-29 04:18:17
Love love love your post! Very well written!
天边一片白云2021-08-29 16:42:08
谢谢提拉米酥 的美言。
天边一片白云2021-08-29 16:48:43
盈盈一笑间2021-08-29 18:49:46
beautifulwind2021-08-29 22:49:56
恭喜白云。首页进来,谢谢网管,COSPLAY活动 Let me introduce myself推荐成功