Thanks 盈盈 for organizing the 【打卡 Friends 老友记】Friends: Season 1 Episode 5 .
I learned a few new stuffs from this Episonde.
one of them is the phase "get up the courage".
Many years ago, when I was writing a story, I would like to say "鼓起勇气做什么什么". I didn't know how to say "鼓起勇气" in English. I ended up using " I collected all my courage to do something". I knew it was not correct. But I didn't know the right way to say it.
When I was watching Friends: Season 1 Episonde 5, I heard Chander saying " and then you get up the courage to do it". Haha, this is how we shoud say 鼓起勇气 in English.