I will circle back to you!
1. 【Chinese to English】
Success in life lies in independent and critical thinking by盈盈一笑间
and is destroyed by following others。by轻轻的我来
2. 【English to Chinese】
Men who do not forgive women for their little faults will never enjoy their great virtues.
If your heart is a volcano how shall you expect flowers to bloom in your hands?
好男不和女斗 by beautifulmind
心有燎原火,娇花何以近?by ibelieu
你心怀火山, 如何手绽鲜花 by 移花接木
心有火山,花不指绽 by雪晶
女人都是仙姑,犯什么错男人都不要吭声, 否则没好果子吃 by唐古
3. 【Idioms】
Note: Paraphrase the following the idiom that is marked in bold. You do NOT need to translate the sentences into Chinese.
同学们,May I have the pleasure to introduce, the idiom everybody is talking about this days?
I will circle back to you!
I will circle back to you!
I will circle back to you!
***Daily briefing From the Whitehorse By Jen Psaki
I will circle back to you, in the whitehouse case, you can see, she says she will but in reality she hasn’t circled back yet. All this tough /tricky /….. real questions, she can’t answer or she doesn’t know or she really needs to verify, in whatever circumstances she has to hold her breath / errrrrr… and be polite , and has to show she really cares about this questions/ concerns, so she says I will take some time to fact check / talk to the people and find out the truth / answers and be back to you later , not soon, later , but how later? please hold your breath now and Be patient!
如此,你不想马上回答的问题,想拖过去的问题,都可以礼貌的说 I will circle back to you! 多circle几圈把他们绕进去就混过去了