跟一首现场录音, 录音质量很差,玩得是即兴。
秋天的风,秋天的雨 你匆匆路过我,我西窗外的那 那一片枫林
求求你帮帮我,现在就帮帮我, 快让我忘了吧,五月的那一片 野花盛开的山岗
秋天的风,秋天的雨 用记忆染红了,染红了每一片 疲惫的树叶
然后都带走吧,全部都带走吧 去那片五月的,山花曾经盛开 的那一片烂漫的山岗
秋天的风,秋天的雨 当树叶都凋零,我西窗外的那 那一片枫林
求求你帮帮我,现在就帮帮我 快让我睡了吧,伴着严寒萧索 睡去了就可以忘却
秋天的风,秋天的雨 你匆匆路过我,我西窗外的那 那一片枫林
求求你帮帮我,现在就帮帮我, 快让我忘了吧,快让我睡了吧 到山花盛开的五月
Help me please
Autumn wind, autumn rain
Over sweep the view out of my west windows
with a forest of maple trees.
Help me, help me please
Let me forget, forget about it
The hills where wild flowers bloom in May.
Autumn wind, autumn rain
I dyed them red, every page and every slice
of those weary maple leaves
and then take them all, take them all away
to those days of May
to that hill covered with bright mountain flowers in full bloom
Autumn wind, autumn rain
The withered leaves in the view of my west window
Burning the red flames of the forest of trees
Put me to sleep, upon the frigid and bitter cold
So that I can wipe them all, my memories of you
Autumn wind, autumn rain
Over sweep the view out of my west window
with a forest of maple trees
Help me, help me please
right now and right here
Put me to sleep, to those days of May
to that hill covered with bright mountain flowers in full bloom
Autumn wind