LYJiang2021-10-19 16:48:45

1955年10月8日享誉麻省及加州两大理工学院、曾经参与曼克顿计划的火箭专家钱学森, 从久居的美国抵达香港。面对记者围访,钱氏不迎不拒,长问短答。临别时、他只向满口英语、不谙国语的香港记者回赠了這一句:华人总要说点国语吧。接着就携眷乘火车北上。甫入华界边城深圳,钱氏立即受到样板的英雄式欢迎。此后荣宠有加,不在话下。至于钱氏的弃美归华,与其说是因为周恩来的无量功德,毋宁说是因为麦卡锡的无限上纲。




For a fair and balanced book-length account of Qian Xuesen's contribution to China’s missile development, check out the late Iris Shun-ru Chang’s Thread of The Silkworm (1995).


Airframe (the structure of an aircraft): In case you enjoy thriller novels popular with the informed public, you might want to check out the late Michael Crichton's Airframe (1996), if you haven't yet.


Is McCarthyism still haunting America?


Around 1950, Republican US senator Joseph R. McCarthy was facing a tough re-election in his home state of Wisconsin. This was also a tough time for Americans who were witnessing the CCP’s takeover of Mainland China while the Soviet Union was catching up as the second nuclear power.


Channeling national angst into a self-serving campaign, McCarthy managed to regain his political fortune by blanketing America with Red Scare. Richard Nixon, a Republican young turk, picked up McCarthyism and ran with it, thus advancing his political career spectacularly. Nixon was not alone.


McCarthy's witch hunt for Communist sympathizers led to the detention and deportation of US-trained Qian Xuesen (Tsien Hsue-shen), later known as the Father of Chinese Rocketry. Cases of witch-hunt victims kept piling up until McCarthyism peaked four years shy of McCarthy’s death in 1957.


For the record, it was Owen Lattimore, himself a witch-hunt victim, who coined McCarthyism in his book titled Ordeal by Slander, which I highly recommend for your reading pleasure, if pleasure is the right word here. (It is also worth mentioning that Lattimore was truly an American expert on pre-1949 Mongolia and Manchuria, as attested by his published works.)


Today the far left is using the far right's playbook, re-enacting McCarthyism through Woke and Cancel CultureExtremists on both sides, though disagreeable to each other, are actually no different from one another when it comes to power grab. Only voters can put every last one of them in his or her place.


        Image: Google



Author: Lingyang Jiang 

LYJiang2021-10-19 17:07:16
The specter in my piece is not Sphinx. So there's no riddle.
妖妖灵2021-10-19 17:20:36
LYJiang2021-10-19 17:32:12
You've just earned yourself a very welcoming sofa. Be right back
LYJiang2021-10-19 17:47:29
LYJiang2021-10-19 19:36:05
Can I get away without a riddle? Keeping my fingers crossed.
LYJiang2021-10-19 19:37:37
Thank you, 陶陶三, for your support!
盈盈一笑间2021-10-19 19:43:27
真是古今中英通吃!:)你应该成为一个Ambassador!:) -妖妖灵- +10086
LYJiang2021-10-19 19:45:04
LYJiang2021-10-19 19:53:20
盈盈一笑间2021-10-19 20:02:17
陶陶三2021-10-19 20:23:52
移花接木2021-10-19 20:29:53
写得好,极左极右都害人,美国的左无论如何也到不了极左吧,顶多中偏左一点, 倒是中国一不留神就到极左,
移花接木2021-10-19 20:33:28
这火箭技术也是回答楼下唐古老师的质疑, 始于德国的弹道导弹,当然是军事用途,
甜虫虫2021-10-19 21:10:21
ibelieu2021-10-19 21:45:45
慢兔2021-10-19 22:50:34
LYJiang2021-10-20 04:29:02
LYJiang2021-10-20 04:36:01
LYJiang2021-10-20 04:52:31
LYJiang2021-10-20 04:58:47
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:01:48
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:09:21
谢谢 ibelieu !
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:14:53
Extremists left and right are good at bloviating and bloviating
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:16:23
only. Who solves problems wins today and tomorrow.
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:17:21
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:36:47
I like your post which shows us 18 translations of a German poem
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:42:32
None of them are perfect, but I found my kernel. Thanks!
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:50:26
Your post nails it by virtue of the title: You reap what you sow
LYJiang2021-10-20 05:53:03
Putin has no silver bullet for COVID fatigue.
LYJiang2021-10-20 06:03:36
You impressed me with your “Autumn “ poem …
LYJiang2021-10-20 06:14:07
Your post about Rome is a feast for the eyes.
LYJiang2021-10-20 06:18:21
Alexander Pope would be proud of your translation.
慢兔2021-10-20 17:41:09
青松站2021-10-20 21:59:46
青松站2021-10-20 22:11:26
Trust and Mistrust-:)),
甜虫虫2021-10-21 00:24:21
羊羊好! 我最近懒得很,没有新作啊。试试啊 :)
甜虫虫2021-10-21 00:25:03
Thank you! You're so sweet!
LYJiang2021-10-21 01:03:25
That's great. Thanks, Evergreen Pine!
LYJiang2021-10-21 01:04:00
Also thanks for your support!
LYJiang2021-10-21 01:05:56
You must have been through a lot.
LYJiang2021-10-21 01:07:59
I'm too young to have any experience of McCarthyism.
LYJiang2021-10-21 01:09:35
Hey, I am serious. You've done Alexander Poe an honor.
LYJiang2021-10-21 02:06:32
At the end of the day, it all comes down to this:
LYJiang2021-10-21 02:09:21
Trust but verify, as the late Ronald Reagan put it so well.
LYJiang2021-10-21 02:12:35
LYJiang2021-10-21 03:47:49
I actually think I didn't praise you enough.
LYJiang2021-10-21 03:53:25
怡然居乡里,农田两三亩 呼吸岭上风,出入林间路 -- Pope's world is so
LYJiang2021-10-21 03:54:05
beautifully sincized.
LYJiang2021-10-21 03:55:59
粗衣四体勤,薄田五谷丰 蔽暑中庭树,御寒炉火红 --- Hand-to-mouth though,
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:01:52
Pope harvested the rewards of self-sufficiency.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:04:02
平日多闲暇,安然数年华 体健心意惬,溪静照晚霞 --- Pope couldn't
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:07:50
ask for more than peace of mind.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:11:05
长夜睡无忧,自在书中求 鸣鸟堂前憩,冥思处处幽 --- Pope enjoyed reading
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:12:38
a book of life he's writing.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:16:10
生时无人识,死日无人知 盍然随风去,无语石下息 --- Pope was blessed
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:18:14
enough to fear no death while living a full life.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:23:47
My post leaves something to be desired.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:26:02
The Book of Songs is full of rhyme and reason.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:28:50
I would like to be an ambassador to the Tang Empire.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:30:13
I would like to rhyme with diplomacy in Changan.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:32:33
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:34:44
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:35:44
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:38:03
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:42:08
Even Russians are sick and tired of the shutdown policy.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:44:12
But Putin is a control freak.
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:46:46
People just want to be out and about. They miss drinking
LYJiang2021-10-21 04:48:25
parties. BTW, they truly need some fresh air.
青松站2021-10-21 05:53:05
What comes around, goes around,
LYJiang2021-10-21 05:55:20
I am a self-appointed ambassador to the Tang dreamland.
LYJiang2021-10-21 23:52:41
Thanks, johniewalker!
LYJiang2021-10-21 23:57:53
You're most welcome to share your wisdom & life experience.
beautifulwind2021-10-22 00:08:46
恭喜LYJiang。首页进来,谢谢网管,复活群魔活动 爱国飞弹教父与麦卡锡主义 McCarthyism 推荐成功
LYJiang2021-10-22 00:16:28
Thanks, 青松站, for your insight! I would only say this:
LYJiang2021-10-22 01:00:35
Thanks so much, beautifulwind & wenxuecity! BTW, 中国...not 爱国...
大号蚂蚁2021-10-22 04:01:41
LYJiang2021-10-22 04:58:38
LYJiang2021-10-22 05:10:08
LYJiang2021-10-22 18:15:19
The Chinese diaspora might just pin their hope on
LYJiang2021-10-22 18:20:18
a false prophet who promised them a better home country.
LYJiang2021-10-23 03:04:57
Yes, I mean the ghostly beauty in the Cantonese movie classic.
LYJiang2021-10-23 03:13:51
One broken dream is one broken generation.
LYJiang2021-10-24 04:12:11
The Middle Kingdom is busy managing its troubled economy.
LYJiang2021-10-24 04:19:28
Besides, the Yankees virtually control all the choke points
LYJiang2021-10-24 04:20:18
on China's sea trade routes.
LYJiang2021-10-24 23:52:06
Imagine what blockades and sanctions would do to
LYJiang2021-10-24 23:53:05
export-dependent China.