LYJiang2021-08-09 04:19:18
beautifulwind2021-08-09 04:19:47
LYJiang2021-08-09 04:26:49
Enjoy the sofa. First come, first SERVED.
beautifulwind2021-08-09 04:28:50
“青春换取一杯凉”很有味道。One day这个故事好凄凉
LYJiang2021-08-09 04:33:15
Thanks, beautifulwind! There's trouble in paradise.
LYJiang2021-08-09 04:34:46
Thanks, Evergreen Pine!
LYJiang2021-08-09 04:38:08
LYJiang2021-08-09 04:42:52
LYJiang2021-08-09 15:18:14
Thanks, 陶陶三!
LYJiang2021-08-09 15:18:43
Thanks, 盈盈!
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 15:20:22
LYJiang2021-08-09 15:21:29
That's life, at least some aspects of life.
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 15:21:57
LYJiang2021-08-09 15:22:59
I appreciate your kind words.
LYJiang2021-08-09 15:23:37
I can't say I'm busy. Hahaha!
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 15:38:30
Hahaha! Enjoy your honeymoon!
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 15:43:11
I haven't been to Taiwan and Hong Kong. Only watched 兰桂坊 on TV
陶陶三2021-08-09 15:44:27
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 15:45:45
You are very welcome. :))
甜虫虫2021-08-09 16:23:54
Good morning Yang Yang!
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:35:02
With all due respect to the media, life is rarely depicted as
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:38:42
This newlwed couple can't thank you enough.
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:40:43
I played your sing-song voice to my wife. She loved it.
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:42:07
I might sound rude, but do you speak Cantonese, Hongkong style?
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:44:09
Hongkong movies dubbed in putonghua don't help.
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:47:04
You are always so thoughtful and perceptive.
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:50:45
甜虫虫, you're greeting a pair of night owls. Hahaha!
甜虫虫2021-08-09 16:53:41
Good night! I forgot that you're in a different time zone:)
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:55:39
Just say it is good to have more than one time zone.
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:57:27
I hope I didn't sound rude. Forgive me if I did.
甜虫虫2021-08-09 16:58:26
No, not at all. I should be more thoughtful:)
LYJiang2021-08-09 16:58:59
Thanks, 花董!
移花接木2021-08-09 16:59:01
what a cos, a vivid memory recall! more pls
移花接木2021-08-09 17:01:14
whilst, dark tone photo enhances the mood
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:01:19
You handled it much better than i would have, my wife said. Haha
甜虫虫2021-08-09 17:06:43
haha, Thank her for me! You're great!
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:07:00
HK people remember what has happened to them. Don't we all?
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:08:18
Every dark cloud has a silver lining, I pray to heaven.
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:09:38
Sweet is thy name, 虫虫!
陶陶三2021-08-09 17:11:05
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:26:55
Right. Let me grab another device to handwrite Chinese on.
陶陶三2021-08-09 17:37:52
Just this past weekend, I rewatched some old Hong Kong movies
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:39:35
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:43:42
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:48:47
陶陶三2021-08-09 17:49:15
移花接木2021-08-09 17:52:03
1959, far b4 I was born, Mainland far-left dominated, politics r
陶陶三2021-08-09 17:53:04
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:55:21
LYJiang2021-08-09 17:58:13
But, the US: Nope. Acceptance is NOT approval, pal!
陶陶三2021-08-09 18:13:55
Art is beautiful;politics is not. :-)
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 19:48:54
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 19:49:55
盈盈一笑间2021-08-09 19:58:10
I hope to have the opportunity to visit Hong Kong someday to kno
LYJiang2021-08-09 22:35:47
听到盈盈鼓励,新夫人甚感荣幸。小羊即引水浒哪句:“這腔热血,只要买与识货的。” 英译棘手,但总算达意。夫人噗嗤一笑。
LYJiang2021-08-09 22:44:05
“Death is easy. Comedy is hard.” 小羊晚辈,虽不洒,亦幸与江渚白发渔樵笑谈今古。
LYJiang2021-08-09 22:48:48
LYJiang2021-08-09 22:58:05
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:01:25
Not in the near future, I am afraid.
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:05:28
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:09:34
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:13:16
1959 was consumed by the Great Leap Forward Movement.
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:17:58
Most, if not all, senior Hongkong citizens were starving
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:30:26
悄悄告陶翁:“超” 字,港式粤音可以说来听来像个 F word 昵!记得茅盾《子夜》写在上海行商的广东人就说(引述原著):丢XX
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:32:27
LYJiang2021-08-09 23:50:08
Thanks, LinMu !
陶陶三2021-08-10 00:16:50
陶陶三2021-08-10 00:29:01
Jiang,as I said before,you have an old soul. :-)
盈盈一笑间2021-08-10 01:56:11
盈盈一笑间2021-08-10 01:56:56
盈盈一笑间2021-08-10 01:57:52
ibelieu2021-08-10 02:33:26
Thank you for sharing your wonderful works. The microfiction
LYJiang2021-08-10 03:47:29
I can only take in so many kind words.Thanks, ibelieu, for
LYJiang2021-08-10 03:49:45
The two sides of the bamboo curtain had a choice to make.
LYJiang2021-08-10 04:10:45
Don't forget I'm 25% Chinese. Now...
LYJiang2021-08-10 04:16:56
My wife is learning to handwrite 笑. I'm proud of her.
LYJiang2021-08-10 04:19:34
You earned it.
beautifulwind2021-08-10 04:35:04
恭喜LYJiang。首页进来,谢谢网管,COSPLAY活动 原创香港“剧集” A Hongkong Mini-series推荐成
LYJiang2021-08-10 05:02:21
A big thank-you to beautifulwind and wenxuecity!
LYJiang2021-08-10 05:57:13
Like what we see and hear in those F-worded music...
LYJiang2021-08-10 14:41:43
A better Hongkong is worth waiting for.
天山晨2021-08-10 15:08:36
LYJiang2021-08-11 01:59:08
Thanks, 天山晨! Hongkong means a lot to me as a Cantonese speaker.