LYJiang2021-08-20 04:02:04


















还未足六岁,随着父母到了中国。以为是来渡假的,因为正值学校放暑假。谁知夏末将临,父母就相继失去联络。照顾我的只有阿姨。阿姨不会说英语,也不学英语,只是整天微笑着劝诫我不要说英语。‘千万不可开口。’ 她捂住自己的嘴巴、指着铺天盖地的标语给我看。我,看不懂标语,又不能开口,所以有好几年上不了学去。不上学,我更好学,更须要好学。首先、学做阿姨的女儿。














与此同时,我又给自己第四项重大任务:尽早返哺。于是、申请在两年内完成四年的大学课程,獲准。十八岁哪年拿了第一个学位回国,继而开始了全职打工生涯; 其后给派到香港去,阿娘就跟我住在香港。阿娘是广州人,我自小就跟她学、跟她说粤语。粤语、成为了我从事香港研究的得力助手。现在,我仍然不自觉地追忆在香港大学的时光。港大的陆佑堂、荷花池、旭和道、薄扶林道…‘念之断人肠’。



Poetically driven 

beautifulwind2021-08-20 04:21:15
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:25:20
Comfy? You bet.
beautifulwind2021-08-20 04:31:53
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:34:09
Thanks! I am taking a bow on that.
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:35:48
She wanted to be a Chinese daughter.
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:36:48
Thanks, Tao Tao!
陶陶三2021-08-20 04:36:58
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:38:35
How could she survive the Cultural Revolution if
beautifulwind2021-08-20 04:39:44
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:39:59
You nailed it as far as ABC mom's concerned. I'm overpraised.
beautifulwind2021-08-20 04:41:13
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:41:16
I wouldn't have said it better.
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:49:18
It was quite a hairy experience, pun intended.
LYJiang2021-08-20 04:51:46
"看你回答“嘻嘻”,感受到你“狡黠”的笑:)" Call it a bage of honor.
LYJiang2021-08-20 05:03:49
Thanks, Sweet Bug!
甜虫虫2021-08-20 05:07:58
Greetings Yang Yang!
LYJiang2021-08-20 05:15:01
Fact is often stranger than fiction, isn't?
LYJiang2021-08-20 05:16:07
You are one amazing sweet bug.
移花接木2021-08-20 13:45:23
amazing, God answered ur call, dont be blonde,so u grew maroon h
ibelieu2021-08-20 14:02:39
An inspirational story. Thanks for sharing! I'm
盈盈一笑间2021-08-20 14:54:29
LYJiang2021-08-20 15:19:04
Thanks a million for asking! My point-by-point answers:
LYJiang2021-08-20 15:37:11
Language attrition: you might be referring to the regression
LYJiang2021-08-20 15:42:38
您也许是根据源於 R. Jakobson 在1941年刊行的“母语退化” 推想吧。(参看维基百科)
LYJiang2021-08-20 15:56:04
A virtually total loss of one’s native language did happen,
盈盈一笑间2021-08-20 16:00:59
LYJiang2021-08-20 16:03:15
根据 Keijzer、Yukawa 等学者研究,喪失母语与否,基本上是个别现象,除非全民全族归化同化于异族异语。
LYJiang2021-08-20 16:11:45
记得日本山崎朋子的《望乡》(也看过电影故事版本,还是喜欢社会学原著): 被诱拐到山打根的女孩子当中,确有渐忘日语的个案。
LYJiang2021-08-20 16:23:03
Now, think about a highly self-motivated 6-yr-old. She clung to
LYJiang2021-08-20 16:28:03
That’s why her “overseas study” in Chicago was such a breeze.
LYJiang2021-08-20 16:34:17
Chinese gave her an edge when the US was running a China fever.
盈盈一笑间2021-08-20 16:39:39
LYJiang2021-08-20 16:55:55
I like your input and feedback.
LYJiang2021-08-20 16:59:09
Thanks, 花董!Being red-headed might help during the Cultural
LYJiang2021-08-20 17:01:51
Anyway, the Cultural Revolution was more about fiction than fact
LYJiang2021-08-20 17:08:50
移花接木2021-08-20 17:19:31
the Cultural Revolution was a culture and humanity calamity
LYJiang2021-08-20 17:20:03
盈盈,I can’t thank you enough! I bet you’ve heard things much
LYJiang2021-08-20 17:25:07
LYJiang2021-08-20 17:35:20
突然间想起某太祖的名作,开首是“风云突变……” 吾辈岂敢续貂?
LYJiang2021-08-20 17:44:18
The timeline wasn’t quite like that. Never mind.
ibelieu2021-08-20 18:34:50
Yes, I was indeed thinking of language attrition, but
ibelieu2021-08-20 18:47:10
Yes, I was indeed thinking of language attrition, but
AP339122021-08-20 18:54:00
What an amazing story of ABC mom, wondering who taught YY CN poe
AP339122021-08-20 18:55:00
poems? not mom or college?(笑拭天涯泪,銜雨燕穿眸)
LYJiang2021-08-20 19:49:04
Thanks so much, AP33912 !
LYJiang2021-08-20 19:51:19
It's ABC mom's ci poem, one of my favorites.
LYJiang2021-08-20 19:53:13
Well, let me say I have a sinologist's motherhood to thank for.
甜虫虫2021-08-20 19:58:54
You said it! :)
甜虫虫2021-08-20 20:00:09
Thank you Yang Yang for always being so kind!
AP339122021-08-20 21:38:00
厉害mom or Incredible, since you are 1/4 Chinese, I think :)
LYJiang2021-08-20 21:39:55
I like your input, including the music video. Thanks!
LYJiang2021-08-20 21:43:00
I always blame her for my being hopelessly hooked on
LYJiang2021-08-20 21:43:58
classical Chinese poetry.
LYJiang2021-08-20 21:58:00
First, Noam Chomsky...
LYJiang2021-08-20 22:09:35
Next, Steven Pinker ...
LYJiang2021-08-20 22:22:12
Now, let's turn to the "Great Cultural Revolution"...
LYJiang2021-08-20 22:46:32
Finally, my petty stuff otherwise known as microfiction...
beautifulwind2021-08-21 00:24:47
恭喜LYJiang。COSPLAY活动 星条旗上的梅花: ABC母亲 (原创)推荐成功
ibelieu2021-08-21 01:02:26
Thanks a million for the very interesting discussion.
LYJiang2021-08-21 01:22:30
Its specter is still out and about, even in our big cities.
LYJiang2021-08-21 01:33:10
Thanks for marshaling the arguments you support here.
LYJiang2021-08-21 01:46:58
The angel is in the details. Digging deeper and wider, as you di
LYJiang2021-08-21 01:48:41
Thank you so much for your recommendation!
LYJiang2021-08-21 01:49:34
I am also thankful to wenxuecity!
LYJiang2021-08-21 02:06:07
A native language, once planted, will stay there until and
LYJiang2021-08-21 02:22:43
English learning during the Cultural Revolution --
天山晨2021-08-21 02:58:34
LYJiang2021-08-21 04:12:30
Thanks, 天山晨! I couldn't have said it better.
LYJiang2021-08-21 05:41:04
To paraphrase Milan Kundera, it is a struggle between
LYJiang2021-08-21 05:44:42
forgetting and remembering. History forgotten, truth be damned.