心存善念2021-10-24 20:48:41

事先声名,我没标准答案。建议大家投选最佳。周五结束 - 非官方节止日期 :D

What exactly is La Niña?

Scientists stress that La Niña is not a storm that hits a specific area at a given time. Instead, it's a change in global atmospheric circulation that affects weather around the world.

"Think of how a big construction project across town can change the flow of traffic near your house, with people being re-routed, side roads taking more traffic, and normal exits and on-ramps closed," states a NOAA webpage. "Different neighborhoods will be affected most at different times of the day. You would feel the effects of the construction project through its changes to normal patterns, but you wouldn't expect the construction project to 'hit' your house."

青松站2021-10-24 22:36:01
妖妖灵2021-10-25 01:08:31
青松站2021-10-25 02:19:21
想起那部 明天之後。。
心存善念2021-10-25 03:40:43
这还有点难说,点开看 global warming indicators
甜虫虫2021-10-25 05:12:48
La Nina和 El Nino 是两个相反的气候模式,和赤道季风变化有关。:)
枫林晓2021-10-25 15:59:56
盈盈一笑间2021-10-26 18:02:29
想起那部 明天之後。。 - 青松站