心存善念2021-10-29 03:50:49

I often ask my friends these two questions. one is "what are you going to do if you have 100 million USD?" The search for the answers will help them find what they would love to do instead of having to do. The other is "if you have 24 hours to live, how are you going to spend your time?" The answers might reveal something important to them, which they have not done yet.

What are your answers? you don't have to share with me :D

雪晶2021-10-29 05:52:02
My answers~~~
妖妖灵2021-10-29 15:58:08
心存善念2021-10-29 18:18:21
you either have found what you love or didn't think through :D
心存善念2021-10-29 18:20:06
赶快买彩票啊,美坛同鞋等着入住呢 :)
雪晶2021-10-29 21:10:29
I found who I should be~~~
天山晨2021-10-30 03:07:31
心存善念2021-10-30 04:11:31
我想是 - 有钱有有钱的烦脑,有闲有有闲的烦恼。