公平教學亞裔美國人歷史法 —- 虛偽、種族主義的種族分裂教育法
7月9日伊利諾伊州州長J. B. Pritzker簽署了《公平教學亞裔美國人歷史法》(「The Teaching Equitable Asian American History」)法案。法案規定,從2022-2023學年開始,伊利諾伊州的所有公立中小學都必須開設亞裔美國人歷史的課程,講授亞裔對美國包括在藝術、科學、經濟、文化領域及促進公民權利所作出的貢獻。
設想一個八歲的亞裔學生和他的15名義大利裔,愛尓蘭裔,非裔同學必須學習苗裔美國人在藝術科學經濟文化領域促進公民權利對美國做出的貢獻。這個八歲的孩子會不會被暴打一頓? 這孩子長大了是黑命貴?還是黃命貴?還是人命貴?
The legislation, the Teaching Equitable Asian American History Act, requires a unit of Asian American history to be taught in public schools beginning in the 2022-2023 school year.
As part of the curriculum, students should be taught the contributions of Asian Americans toward advancing civil rights from the 19th century onward, Pritzker\'s office said in a statement
The curriculum should also include the contributions made by individual Asian Americans in government, arts, humanities, and sciences, as well as the contributions of Asian American communities to the economic, cultural, social, and political development of the United States.