南小鹿2021-07-30 14:48:12

第十七处:《奥赛罗》(Othello)第二幕第三场,奥赛罗命令副官卡西奥(Cassio)值夜班。他离开后,伊阿古(Iago)说服卡西奥和一帮酒鬼一起狂欢。喝醉了的卡西奥与爱慕苔丝狄蒙娜(Desdemona)的威尼斯绅士罗德利哥(Roderigo)打了起来,塞普路斯总督蒙太诺(Montano)前去阻止,遭到卡西奥的攻击。混乱中卡西奥刺伤了蒙太诺,奥赛罗闻讯赶来,要求知道滋事的原委。蒙太诺因伤势较重不方便说话,请伊阿古代为讲出事实真相,伊阿古假惺惺地说:“不要咄咄逼人,我宁愿割下自己的舌头,也不愿让它说迈克尔.卡西奥的坏话。但我还是说服自己讲实话,想必也不算对不起他。是这样的,将军,蒙太诺和我正在交谈,忽然跑来一个人大喊救命,卡西奥杀气腾腾提着剑追着他,要刺死他。将军,这位先生挺身前去拦住卡西奥,请他息怒;我自己就去追赶那个叫喊的人,唯恐他的喧嚣 – 传到外面-让整个小镇陷入惊恐。他跑得飞快,我追不上,听到背后刀剑碰撞的声音和卡西奥高声咒骂的声音,所以又回来了。今晚之前我从来没有听见他这样骂人。当我回来时 – 我本来就跑得不远 — 我发现他们用剑互相厮杀难解难分,就像您亲自命令他们分开的时候的那个样子。我能报告的就是这些。人总是人,圣贤也有忘乎所以的时候。虽然卡西奥给了他一点小小的伤害,可是一个人在愤怒中连好朋友都会翻脸不认。可是我确信卡西奥一定从那逃走的家伙那里受到了奇耻大辱,才失去了耐心。”

(Touch me not so near.

I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth

Than it should do offence to Michael Cassio.

Yet I persuade myself to speak the truth

Shall nothing wrong him. This it is, general:

Montano and myself being in speech,

There comes a fellow crying out for help

And Cassio following him with determined sword

To execute upon him. Sir, this gentleman

Steps in to Cassio and entreats his pause,

Myself the crying fellow did pursue,

Lest by his clamor—as it so fell out—

The town might fall in fright. He, swift of foot,

Outran my purpose, and I returned then rather

For that I heard the clink and fall of swords

And Cassio high in oath, which till tonight

I ne'er might say before. When I came back—

For this was brief— I found them close together

At blow and thrust, even as again they were

When you yourself did part them.

More of this matter cannot I report.

But men are men, the best sometimes forget.

Though Cassio did some little wrong to him,

As men in rage strike those that wish them best,

Yet surely Cassio, I believe, received

From him that fled some strange indignity

Which patience could not pass.)


(Come, Desdemona, ’tis the soldiers' life

To have their balmy slumbers waked with strife.)

诗歌中的 “balmy”的字面含义为“香脂的”,用来形容 “温柔、芬芳、舒心、美味”(soft, fragrant, soothing, delicious)的感觉。


(It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul.

Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars,

It is the cause. Yet I’ll not shed her blood,

Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow

And smooth as monumental alabaster.

Yet she must die, else she’ll betray more men.

Put out the light, and then put out the light.

If I quench thee, thou flaming minister,

I can again thy former light restore

Should I repent me. But once put out thy light,

Thou cunning’st pattern of excelling nature,

I know not where is that Promethean heat

That can thy light relume. When I have plucked thy rose

I cannot give it vital growth again,

It must needs wither. I’ll smell thee on the tree.

Oh, balmy breath, that dost almost persuade

Justice to break her sword! One more, one more.

Be thus when thou art dead and I will kill thee

And love thee after. (kissing her) One more, and that’s the last.

So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep,

But they are cruel tears. This sorrow’s heavenly,

It strikes where it doth love. She wakes.)

















(Sonnet 107

Not mine own fears, nor the prophetic soul

Of the wide world dreaming on things to come,

Can yet the lease of my true love control,

Suppos'd as forfeit to a confin'd doom.

The mortal moon hath her eclipse endur'd

And the sad augurs mock their own presage;

Incertainties now crown themselves assur'd

And peace proclaims olives of endless age.

Now with the drops of this most balmy time

My love looks fresh, and Death to me subscribes,

Since, spite of him, I'll live in this poor rhyme,

While he insults o'er dull and speechless tribes;

And thou in this shalt find thy monument,

When tyrants' crests and tombs of brass are spent.)



1: 诗歌中的“凡间的月亮”指的是伊丽莎白一世,在她统治时期,人们常常把她奉承为月亮或月亮女神狄安娜(Diana)。1603年女王过世,1605年10月17日英国发生了月半食(partial lunar eclipse eclipse),对占卜者来说,天现异象往往预示着灾难的到来。

2: 莎士比亚十四行诗第99首和第104首分别创作于1599年和1604年,按时间顺序排列,第107首创作于1605年是合理的。

3: 诗歌中的“crown”(头冠)一词暗示了“加冕礼” (coronations)。伊丽莎白一世终身未婚,没有留下子嗣,谁来继承她的王位存在着许多变数(即诗歌中的“无常”incertanity)。她在世时从未承认苏格兰的詹姆斯六世是王位的继承人,至少有12个人在竞争王位,内战的阴影笼罩着英国。从伊丽莎白一世过渡到詹姆斯一世(苏格兰的詹姆斯六世成为英格兰和苏格兰的詹姆斯一世)却很顺利,人们为此欢欣鼓舞。詹姆斯于1603年3月登上英国王位,并于1603年7月25日举行小型的加冕典礼。但是伦敦发生了一场严重的鼠疫,迫使国王和朝臣撤离首都,直到1604年春天,他才冠冕堂皇地进入伦敦主政。

4: 詹姆斯一世登基后不久,结束了英国与西班牙之间长达二十年的海战,两国于1604年底缔结了和平条约。“和平宣告了橄榄枝要万世绵延”,很可能指的就是这个事件。


