明麗草原2020-12-07 18:32:52

网友慧娜在微信上发了一首英文诗: Red Rose and Red Wine. 问大伙的修改意见。

我对写英文诗可说是一窍不通吧!只好不语。 但是上周某天中午在外散步时,忽然想到用古文体翻译一下岂不更好?想出了前两句: 酒似玫红, 玫似酒红。品酒望玫, 嗅玫凝酒。 然后回去看她接下来的原文, 觉得缺少立意。 决定自己创作。 那天早晨, 天尚未亮, 但东方天际线有红霞升起, 象玫瑰和红酒之色。 她当时在广州照的照片里呈现温暖的气候, 树上的花还开着。 我威州这里望向窗外: 霜冻已经白化了绿草地。 时差有别: 我是晨她那里昏, 她又夜间出去宵夜。 对应这些, 我就有了如下这首诗:

酒似玫红, 玫似酒赤。

品酒望玫, 嗅玫凝酒。

此时朝霞, 若玫若酒,

彼处夕阳, 亦酒亦玫?




你地安好, 我处晴天。

            ----Elaine 作于2020年12月6日

(为了押韵, 又略有修改)

English meaning:

The wine is like rose red, and the rose is like wine red.

Tasting the wine and looking at the rose, sniffing the rose and staring at the wine.

At this time, the morning glow, the color is just like rose and wine,

The sunset in your place , is it the same hue like wine and rose?

The morning frost is cold here , the night fragrance is warm there,

Time is the same but space is different, and this involves each other.

The stars are shifting, the sun and the moon runs by turn,

Your place is nice and safe , while my place is sunny.
