Photo by tovje
Big Tongue, Little Kitten! - This German Shepherd’s tongue is almost as big as that little kitten!
Photo by morgan frederick
Strange Bedfellows - “What have I gotten myself into?!”
Photo by Miguel Andrade
You Wanna Know A Secret? - This kitty has something very top-secret to tell his Pit Bull friend.
Photo by April H
Staring Contest - I think the dog is winning this one.
Photo by Scott Kinmartin
One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others - This dachshund is taking a little nap and dreaming that he fits in with his friends…
Photo by Gabo
Ebony and Ivory - Go together in perfect harmony…
Photo by candleshoe
Bullmastiff Meets Torti - Not much cuter than a giant-headed dog and a tiny kitten.
Photo by navonco
Sheep..irrr..Kittendog - This sheepdog is doing a good job at guarding her flock!
Photo by bergamuse
Talk To The Paw - This orange tabby knows you have to start them young to teach them who is going to be the boss of the house!
Photo by a girl and her dog
Snuggle - This boxer looks a little guilty but his feline companion isn’t concerned.
Photo by pbrat
Caught In The Act - Interspecies cuddling - caught in action!
Photo by ohchicken
The Most Comfy Bed In The House - This cat believes he has found the most comfortable resting spot in the whole house. The dog doesn’t seem to mind.
Photo by ymktmk918
Is This Really OK? - The cat swears it is, but the dog could use a little convincing.
Photo by lovelymerle2001
On A Mission - This duo is on their way to do something….I’m sure it involves a trash can.
Photo by robert ntz
Do Not Wear Black - If you live in this house. Nuff Said!
8226; | [转贴]非诚勿扰(女生版) (图) | 8226; | 猫猫狗狗一家亲 |
8226; | 一辈更比一辈强(9) |
8226; | 邱毅:陈水扁时代已结束 台湾不缺君子但乏英雄 | 8226; | “年龄造假”是一种常见病 (图) |