littlemomm2009-01-19 15:49:19
Hi, Everyone:
Sorry. Still working on how to upload my Sasha's pictures :(
Sasha is about 9 months old now. She was adopted from animal Shelter since she was 11 weeks old.
She is about 12 lbs. Yesterday, my daughter and I went back to PetMart to see the cats. They are much leaner and smaller than my Sasha.Should I put her on the diet? She is a medium-hair mix, I think she has some Maine Coon blood. Do you think a 9-month old is too heavy for 12 lbs?
Also, I was sad when I was in PetMart. ALL the cats are very nice, and beautiful. They meow to everyone, and like to rub you against cage.
I was sad since I can not take more cats.
大脸猫小丸子2009-01-19 16:06:13
hujian2009-01-19 17:53:19
云起时992009-01-19 22:38:36
Maine Coon is bigger by breed, google what is normal weight