morkielover2009-04-08 15:27:56
I sent my 6-month old puppy to the Vet to get neutered on last Saturday and picked him up at night. He was OK at that time. But since Monday night, he almost stopped eating and only drunk a little bit water. I fed him 2 egg yolks and then nothing until now. I prepared his most favorite food – mixed beef and some rice and tried to feed him use my hand. He has no any appetite. I am so worried and he looks so poor. He tried to show his warm by wigging his tail but looks very weak. I checked his surgery area and no infection or redness. Is it normal due to the surgery? Do I need to take him to the vet right now or observe for additional day? All your ideas are really appreciated. I am waiting online in tears. By the way, he was very active before that and now like a nested hen just lying down his pet bed.
Rusty2009-04-08 15:31:44
call the vet, right now,
moonaway2009-04-08 15:34:43
Co:call the vet, RIGHT NOW!!
maomaochiu2009-04-08 18:21:20
morkielover2009-04-08 21:38:57
回复:Please Help - waiting in tears
maomaochiu2009-04-08 22:08:53
cheerfulcats2009-04-08 22:42:45
Best wishes!