湖畔人2009-06-26 06:12:04
Churchill2009-06-26 06:15:34
很喜欢他在歌里的样子和他小时候的样子, 纯真, 阳光!
湖畔人2009-06-26 06:34:38
“We are the World” 百听不厌,经典作品、经典故事。
许梦儿2009-06-26 06:39:30
loved this song.....
许梦儿2009-06-26 06:39:46
and was it heal the world??
湖畔人2009-06-26 07:14:48
许梦儿2009-06-26 08:27:20
thanks!! ^^ i've always liked this song, and also heal the world
咪呜2009-06-26 09:25:51
42:很喜欢他在歌里的样子和他小时候的样子, 纯真, 阳光!
胖胖MM2009-06-26 17:16:26
42:很喜欢他在歌里的样子和他小时候的样子, 纯真, 阳光!