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my little contribution for Chopin fans, enjoy.
To a Musician 献给一位音乐家:
by Hermann Hesse (1946 Noble Literature Laureate)
I had an experience when listening to my radio.
It was an evening with music by Chopin, played by a Chinese pianist whose name is Fou Ts'ong, a name I had never heard before.I didn't know anything about his age, his education or his person.I was interested in the beautiful program, and naturally I was wondering how Chopin, the great love of my youth, would be played by a Chinese musician.
那是一个夜晚,(从收音机里)传来了肖邦的音乐,演奏者是一位来自中国的钢琴家,名叫傅聪——我从来就没有听说过这么一位演奏家。 更不用说他的年龄,所受的教育以及他的所有其他的。我欣赏着那美妙的节目,同时自然也很好奇,自己在青年时代所挚爱的肖邦,将如何被一位中国的音乐家表现出来。
I had heard a lot of Chopin before played by the old Paderewski, by Edwin Fischer, Lipatti, Cortot and many other great pianists. They all played Chopin in many different ways: correct coolness, melting sounds, bold and emotional and individualistic, sometimes devoted to a beautiful sound, sometimes devoted to rhythmic details, sometimes with a religious touch, sometimes eccentric, sometimes frightening, and sometimes egomaniac, but only rarely it corresponded to my vision of Chopin. I always thought that the ideal way of playing Chopin must have been the way Chopin himself has played his music.
在那之前我听过很多音乐家演奏肖邦,如Edwin Fischer,lipatti,Cortot 和许多其他的伟大的钢琴演奏家。他们的表现方式应有尽有:准确的冷峻,消融成一片的和声,大胆,充满激情而有个人(英雄)气概,有的音色俊美,有的韵律工整,有的会渗出宗教的气息,也有怪异的,可怖的,甚至有的肆意诠释;所有的都有一个共同点——即他们都与我所憧憬的肖邦大相径庭。我总以为对于肖邦的音乐,恐怕只有他本人才能表现出来。
Within minutes, I was full of admiration for the unknown Chinese pianist and then full of love. He mastered his music superbly. I had expected technical perfection, since the Chinese are given to skill and hard training. The technical perfection was all present, neither Cortot superior. But it was not only perfect playing I heard, it was also real Chopin. It was the Chopin of Warsaw and Paris, the Paris of Heinrich Heine and the young Liszt, I could smell the violets, the rain in Malloraca and also the exclusive salons. It was melodic and elegant. The rhythmical delicacies and the dynamism of the music were all here. It was a miracle.
仅仅几分钟后,我对这位自己未曾闻其名的中国钢琴家五体投地——叫我如何不爱他。他对音乐的把握超凡绝伦。中国人向来以技巧和刻苦闻名,所以对技巧上的完美我在心理上早有准备。技巧上不能再完美了——连Cortot 也无法出其右。但是,远远不止这些,那是真正的肖邦。那就是华沙和巴黎的肖邦,那个海涅和青年李斯特的巴黎,我仿佛能闻到那紫罗兰的芬芳,能听到Malloraca 的雨声,能看到那些名闻遐迩的沙龙。它是那么的雍容华贵,那么的动人心弦。那么的汹涌澎湃。那简直是一个奇迹!
I would have like to see this gifted Chinese with my own eyes. It could have been that his person, his movements and his face would answer a question which came to my mind at the end of the concert. The question is, if this highly talented musician has understood the European, Polish and Parisian culture with all its melancholy and its skepticism so-to-say "from within".
Or did he imitate a teacher, a friend, or a master, whose technique he learned by heart in all details? I would like to hear the same program again at different occasions and on different days. Was it genuine gold what I heard, and is Fou Ts'ong the musician I believe him to be? Then each performance would be a new, a unique and individual experience in minute details, and it would never be just a repetition.
Maybe I will get an answer to this question. I emphasis that this question did not appear while I listened to the wonderful concert the question came afterward. While I heard Fou Ts'ong play, I imagined a man from the East, not the real Fou Ts'ong of course, but a man of my own imagination. He was like a person from Tschuang Tse or out of Kin Ku Ki Kwan. His playing was ghost-like, let by a secure, totally relaxed hand guided by the spirit of Tao, comparable to the painters of old China, who, with their ink brush when writing and painting, closely approach the sensation which you experience in your happiest hours. You are touched by a feeling that you are on the point to understand the meaning of the world and the purpose of our life.
我或许能够找到答案。我想强调的是,不是在欣赏音乐其间,而是在听完傅聪的演奏之后,我才有了那么多的好奇。我臆造了一位从东方来的演奏家,那不是真正的傅聪,完全是我的想象。他好像是庄子的传人,又象是从《今古奇观》里走出的人物。 他的演奏宛如鬼斧神工般的(天籁之音),他的手好像完全是由“道”的魂灵所操控,就象那些中国古代的画家,恣意挥耍着他们的毛笔,肆意涂抹。那种时光,好比您处于您的最快乐的时候。(听到他的音乐)您没法不受感动,在那么一刻,您好像(突然)看到了整个世界存在的意义,以及我们的生命的终极目标。