Passerby2010-03-06 07:14:19
There are quite a few pieces of Chopin mentioned in cpv’s 傅聪谈肖邦. I have found most of them played by 傅聪. For additional pleasure, I am going to post some of them next to 傅聪’s commends. Hope you will enjoy them. And thanks to cpv for introducing the inerview to us.

Let's start with Nocturnes Op. 27, No. 1, in C-sharp minor and No. 2, in B-flat major.


Op. 27, No. 1, in C-sharp minor

Op. 27, No. 2, in B-flat major
Passerby2010-03-06 07:17:27
Why it plays No. 2 first? How to avoid that? Help.
ukiyo-e2010-03-06 15:28:40
法国薰衣草2010-03-06 16:52:05
傅聪先生弹的?意境真美, 谢谢分享
Passerby2010-03-06 18:13:35
Yes, it's on Sony's Essential Classics. Complete Nocturnes.
红珊瑚2010-03-06 18:38:33
碧薇2010-03-06 20:00:32
Thanks very much for your efforts. Fou Ts'ong's and
Passerby2010-03-06 20:59:35
Here is a list of Fou Ts'ong on Meridian, if not out of print.
Sweet巧克力2010-03-06 21:03:32
bachata2010-03-06 21:36:03
肖邦的曲子是"忧伤而愉悦, 柔软而坚强" 的矛盾体. Couldn't agree more!
碧薇2010-03-06 21:37:26
Grabed it, thanks so much. I don't quite like Fou's
碧薇2010-03-06 21:47:20
Yes. My descriptions of Chopin are as follows:
Passerby2010-03-06 23:05:18
Rubinstein brought out the nobility in Chopin's music.
Passerby2010-03-07 00:11:17
There's nothing right or wrong here. However, who's Mozart
Passerby2010-03-07 00:18:30
How about Gieseking's Mozart?
碧薇2010-03-07 02:41:14
Yes, and it is not just any nobility :)
碧薇2010-03-07 03:03:15
Yes, I like the lesser known #22 as well.
Passerby2010-03-07 05:12:19
I visited you blog and had a field day. A little surprised to se
碧薇2010-03-07 05:39:11
I agree that Kempff isn't a good pick for Chopin, esp.
雪映梅花2010-03-07 08:43:19
戏雨飞鹰2010-03-07 18:12:51
谢谢!看来你是专家:)Op. 27(1&2) are my favorite