我的同事(也是邻居)救助了一只咪猫。希望有好心人领养他。我们住在South New Jersey (Zip code; 08053). 下面是我的同事她自己写的描述:
Jax is a very sweet and affectionate male, neutered cat, approximately 5 years old. He is a black and white Tuxedo with great markings. He rubs all over me and just wants to be rubbed. I found him living in my back yard in Marlton, NJ on Thursday, September 3, 2009. I took him to the vet on Saturday, September 5 and he has been living in my indoor garage since then. He tested negative for HIV and Leukemia, and I had him vaccinated for Rabies and distemper. He did not have fleas or flea dirt but had a few ticks. I had him treated with Frontline Plus and there is no chance of bugs or ticks at this point. His heart and lungs are fine and he has no signs of any illness. Other than being a little thin (7.31 lbs) due to his stay outside without food, he is in great health. He is eating really well to catch up!
We are very attached to each other already however, I have an old, sick cat that won’t do well with another cat in the house at this time. I hope to find his original owner but haven’t yet. I’d be happy to provide any other information you need. Again, he is very loving. My name is Brenda and my cell phone is 609 214 9457. Thank you for thinking about adopting Jax.