We flew back before the weekend, 大宝 and me. This is the good news. 大宝 was with me in the cabin and was quiet all the time. Almost nobody knew that there is a dog in the bag. She only barked at a lady who came petting her when I let her stick her head out of the bag while we were waiting for the luggage. I did not blame her much. Nobody likes to be bothered after a long day and really needs to go to bathroom. She is now dealing with jet lag. She asked for food and wanted to pee at 1am.
The bad news was that 小宝 was not fit for travelling. He was left with my relatives for now. _:'( My heart broke when I had to left with 大宝 only.
Takng a pet out of China is easier than taking a pet into China. If you are travelling with a pet from Beijing or Shanghai, it's not hard to do it by yourself. There are plenty of information on line. But if anyone wants to know details, please feel free to send me a message.
Many thanks to everybody here for all your 祝福.