hahumiaomiao2010-01-18 22:31:19
我没见过的一只猫咪,住在Cupertino, CA (Bay Area),病得很重。主人 low income,没钱看病,拖了很久,上星期在网上发了求助。我碰巧看见,真的很难过。猫咪才5岁,从17磅掉到4磅。我赶紧付了钱让主人带去看病了。星期五的事。

查出肾炎,肾衰,严重贫血,脱水。开了 iron supplement, fluids, a kind of steroid, antibiotics.

目前丝毫没有好转,而且猫咪不吃饭了,便秘。Owner's email below:
Precious is not showing any signs of getting better yet. Her balance has gotten worse. She is still not eating much. I had to water down her wet food so it is like soup in order to get her to eat a bit. She was also constipated yesterday from being so dehydrated and was in pain but finally had a bowel movement. I also gave her some warm milk with a syringe orally since she didn't want to drink it. She seemed to like it once I gave it to her. The vitamins are making her vomit when I give them to her so I stopped for the moment. I am still giving her the antibiotics and and steroids orally. Then I am giving her subcutaneous fluids once a day. They are administered differently than an injection but I appreciate the video. The Cat Hospital had taught me how to administer the fluids properly.

坛子里有护理过类似状况猫咪的吗?有什么建议请告知。 急!才5岁的猫咪呀!真希望自己是 vet.
cat567892010-01-18 22:34:16
家有肥猫2010-01-18 23:45:29
陌阡2010-01-18 23:47:28
腰缠半贯2010-01-19 01:16:34
回复:HELP PLEASE -- 猫咪,肾炎,肾衰
E&S2010-01-19 01:28:21
hongprudy2010-01-19 02:36:03
that cat should be in-hospital for few days.....needs
hahumiaomiao2010-01-19 03:49:45
回复:Precious is taking antibiotics orally. but she won't eat at a
hongprudy2010-01-19 05:26:25
sorry, i am not a vet. . call vet and they should have some idea
花花猫猫2010-01-19 05:26:59
hongprudy2010-01-19 05:41:42
the good news is she is still young and plus so far ,she doesn't
pacificsea2010-01-19 07:19:45
cheerfulcats2010-01-19 07:36:58
hahumiaomiao2010-01-19 07:47:19
关键Precious现在不吃东西,这样我们就没有时间给她充分治疗。大家有什么办法让病猫吃东西呀? 又不能吃高蛋白的鱼虾
懒猫儿2010-01-20 04:44:06
LillySong2010-01-20 06:11:32
回复:HELP PLEASE -- 猫咪,肾炎,肾衰
LillySong2010-01-20 06:22:04
回复:HELP PLEASE -- 猫咪,肾炎,肾衰
hahumiaomiao2010-01-20 08:43:10
多谢祝福。猫妈妈今天早上报告猫咪愿意吃些baby food 了,希望快点好转。猫妈每天给皮下注射,吃抗生素,但是吃 iron s
whiteflower2011-04-28 05:38:33
benji10122013-04-26 10:37:54