hahumiaomiao2010-01-22 09:29:07
i couldn't believe it's true. it happened so quickly. she was brought to the vet last Fri., diagnosed of kidney failure, and was given prescriptions that would last for 2 weeks. while i was stubbornly hoping she could pull through, her owner decided to let her go this afternoon, to save her from further suffering.

i haven't met Precious, and don't know how much she's suffered. probably a lot, but maybe she still wanted to live ... but maybe her owner should be commended for being brave enough to face it and let go...

Thank you all for your suggestions and blessings. hope Precious has received them and is free from pain now on the other end of the rainbow bridge.
爱玩2010-01-22 14:58:53
A big hug to you! Don't be sad. Precious is in a better place no
forestgemini2010-01-22 18:39:33
家有肥猫2010-01-22 21:37:03
天堂里没有病痛,wish Precious RIP.