NewQianShuiYuan2010-01-29 21:58:41
(sorry, I can't type Chinese on this computer)

I adopted a 4 months old kitten two months ago. He is almost perfect except that he never cleans his bottom after he uses the litter box. Sometimes, his BIAN BIAN and PI GU were very messy. Whenever I smell sth wrong, I clean him with wipes . But, he loves to jump on bed and crawls under quilt. I can't watch him and check my things all the time. Does anybody have such issue? Is there sth I can do or just live with it? How can I teach him to clean? Thanks a lot!!!
ting882010-01-29 22:21:06
回复:Need some advice
NewQianShuiYuan2010-01-30 01:19:45
Yes, shelter said he was found on street when he was only 4 week
NewQianShuiYuan2010-01-30 01:20:21
Thank you very much! I can probably only wait till he grow out o
SushiMa2010-01-30 02:25:46
许梦儿2010-01-30 04:35:42
my cat never rly cleaned his butt....he doesn't even cover
hz820002010-01-30 17:59:26
borrow an adult cat to live together for some time?