hahumiaomiao2010-03-11 05:45:29

My cat has been throwing up once a week for the past three weeks. She vomited stomach acid (white foamy liquid) in the morning the first two times. The third time, the liquid was a little brownish. My vet asked me to give her 1/4 of a pepcid pill, and said it was difficult to determine what makes her sick. I'm worried about the side effects of the pills. Has anybody dealt with a similar situation? Any suggestions? My kitty is a girl, indoor, 7.5 yrs old, a bit overweight (13LB), otherwise healthy.

Thank you!

Worried kitty mom
Dllmfj2010-03-11 05:52:01
猫猫吐有很多原因, 最大可能是有毛球在胃里
hongpurdy2010-03-11 05:57:54
brownish: could be the food-color / could be blood( bleeding)
hahumiaomiao2010-03-11 06:03:14
she has been taking hairball remedy. And she did not vomit hair,
hahumiaomiao2010-03-11 06:04:05
how do I tell if its food color or internal bleeding?
hongpurdy2010-03-11 06:07:34
did u feed her some "red color" food in last 12 hours ?
许梦儿2010-03-11 06:43:42
回复:question re. cat throwing up
hahumiaomiao2010-03-11 07:09:16
Thanks so much! This is very helpful, since I know precious lit
许梦儿2010-03-11 07:40:57
apparently u're not supposed to give a cat raw shrimp? interfere
许梦儿2010-03-11 07:42:27
basically if you haven't changed her diet at all in the last mon
家有肥猫2010-03-11 08:05:26
7岁的猫应该是senior cat,该换猫粮了。
hahumiaomiao2010-03-11 08:21:20
Her shrimp, fish and beef are always fully cooked. Her dry food
hahumiaomiao2010-03-11 08:24:47
My vet said there was no reason to change her diet unless she ha
yhl882010-03-11 19:15:35
Check your indoor plants. A lot of them are poisonous to cats.
halloweenscorpion2010-03-11 21:47:39
halloweenscorpion2010-03-11 21:56:45
hahumiaomiao2010-03-11 23:24:26
halloweenscorpion2010-03-12 03:41:36
hongpurdy2010-03-12 03:50:02
you could try to collect some samples & sned them to vet or lab.
许梦儿2010-03-12 05:27:22