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We, the undersigned, wish to express our deep concern about widespread animal suffering in China.
As we understood, it's not common in China to kill animals, which are destined for consumption or use of their skins, as fast and painless as possible. Quite the contrary. These sentient creatures, like for example dog puppies, even get mistreated and tormented in some cases before their death to make their meat tastier.
Lately it seems to be popular in China to prepare, serve and eat animals trying to keep them alive and moving as long as possible like the so-called ying yang fish. In order to demonstrate the freshness of the food to the guests and to increase the entertainment value. Once again it shows the world the bad image of China which has been accused for so many inhuman practices with animals.
It's incomprehensible to us how a feeling organism can bear and survive so much pain. When we dip a finger into boiling water, we already feel a severe pain. The pain, which the animal feels, when its entire, already heavily injured body is dunked into hot oil and afterwards layed into possibly hot sauce, is unimaginable!
Of course these and many other cruelties against animals do not only happen in China, but also in Europe and everywhere else in the world. Hence we try to make people aware about the suffering, which they cause to other sentient beings, whenever we find out about it.
We welcome the progress that China made to protect endangered wildlife and respectfully request the introduction of general animal protection law to prevent cruelty to all animals.
Recent surveys show that the majority of Chinese people is concerned about animal welfare and strongly favor such a legislation. Creating an animal protection law would be widely welcomed by the international community and help consolidate China's position among leading nations.
The Undersigned