lulugal2010-06-13 07:02:50
我的boxer puppy 刚刚把啤酒盖给吃了。。。怎么办???
hongpurdy2010-06-13 07:06:29
how old is he /she ? just wait & see...
lulugal2010-06-13 07:09:15
she is 14 weeks...
lulugal2010-06-13 07:13:39
should i take her to a vet?
hongpurdy2010-06-13 07:26:40
she is a "little" one. if i were u, i would take her to a vet...
yorkie2010-06-13 07:29:29
回复:HELP pls!!
三脚梅2010-06-13 17:59:57
Yes, go see a vet ASAP!如不排出,小狗的肠子会被梗塞、坏死的。
cheerfulcats2010-06-14 01:13:19
Bless:Yes, go see a vet ASAP!如不排出,小狗的肠子会被梗塞、坏死的。
猫眯妈2010-06-14 04:34:45
Bless !!!
BaoBao'sMom2010-06-14 18:59:35
Go to see the vet asap.
hongpurdy2010-06-15 05:18:16
how is going ?