airy2010-07-22 23:50:24

airy2010-07-23 00:09:44
Can u tell which one is the boy which one is the girl?
许梦儿2010-07-23 00:34:25
can't tell which is which but both so cute!!!
许梦儿2010-07-23 00:37:35
it feels like the doggie is a girl and the baby is the boy..i du
hz820002010-07-23 01:10:33
the other way, i feel
airy2010-07-23 01:33:17
U r absolutely right. Doggie is 11-yr old. Baby is 6-mo old.
airy2010-07-23 01:37:49
Thanks~~ I am lucky
家有肥猫2010-07-23 01:41:24
maomaochiu2010-07-23 03:48:30
Both are LOVELY! It is so sweet to see them together
forestgemini2010-07-23 04:18:32
超级猫迷2010-07-23 04:29:21
hujian2010-07-23 04:41:51
爱玩2010-07-23 19:23:35
co:Both are LOVELY! It is so sweet to see them together