旖旎风光2010-10-13 16:54:41

Twice a day, Lexie and I, sometimes, Lexie and Chen and Kelly and I, go on a walk in the neighborhood. Lexie does her usual business along the way, peeing, pooing, sniffing, chasing squirrels or birds while we talk everything under the sun, happy hour. Now, when female dogs pee, they are much more civilized. They spread the hinder two legs apart a little and squat down, not like the shameless male dogs that raise one of their back legs as high as they could and let it go in public. The raising leg peeing is also male dogs' marking territory method, while female dogs are too friendly to be that selfish in land use. We were so proud that our Lexie is a civilized female. Well, our pride didn’t last long. One day, to our shock, we found Lexie mimicking the male dogs' raising leg action. She is marking her territory! Too clumsy to raise just one leg, she jumps her butt up, and let one leg fall to touch the ground and one leg suspending in the air, thus, she accomplishes the job. Sometimes she jumps her rear end too high she falls head down, but as brave and stubborn as a little Pekingese can be, she jumps up, tries it again, the territory is marked, and happily she treads away.






  • 'Males and Females should be equal', declares Lexie.
  • “Yea, mine is mine, yours is also mine”, says Lexie.
  • Our New Family Member
  • 月饼勾起的回忆。。。
  • yhl882010-10-13 17:31:06
    Why Males and Females dogs handling their private business diffe
    爱玩2010-10-13 17:36:37
    yhl882010-10-13 17:38:51
    Hoho, some words are cut off by the new version wxc.
    旖旎风光2010-10-13 18:13:12
    回复:That's hilarious!
    旖旎风光2010-10-13 18:17:47
    BaoBao'sMom2010-10-13 18:33:40
    涮埽2010-10-14 01:05:36
    21882010-10-14 01:34:15
    hongpurdy2010-10-14 02:32:51
    Lexie, good girl!
    旖旎风光2010-10-14 02:49:08
    回复:当淑女Lexie是没指望了。 整个一个假小子。 刚刚在送女儿Kelly去钢琴课的路上, Lexie在车上没 一分钟安静,K
    旖旎风光2010-10-14 02:49:56
    回复:呵呵, 谢谢。
    旖旎风光2010-10-14 02:52:41
    回复:She will be thrilled to hear that! hahah....
    maomaochiu2010-10-14 03:04:11
    旖旎风光2010-10-14 03:28:44
    回复:哈哈, 狗不可貌相噢。
    hujian2010-10-14 06:22:39
    咪呜2010-10-14 11:34:41
    旖旎风光2010-10-14 14:09:00
    旖旎风光2010-10-14 15:13:48
    Sorry, got cut off, here's the rest: