idoubtitit2010-10-28 14:27:00
My cat recently began to whine and wake me up early in the morning. I checked food and water and litter box and everything was fine. She woke me up, and went back to sleep by herself. I am so pissed off coz if I don't get enough sleep I cannot focus on work for a whole day.
Please share with me some useful tips. Otherwise I have to seriously consider sending her away.
dukect2010-10-28 15:07:36
Is she fixed?
仨饱一倒2010-10-28 15:08:22
何宝宝是我嘛2010-10-28 15:20:37
何宝宝是我嘛2010-10-28 15:20:57
dukect2010-10-28 15:27:51
OK. r u lz
何宝宝是我嘛2010-10-28 15:46:03
yes I sm
何宝宝是我嘛2010-10-28 15:46:10
I am
maomaochiu2010-10-28 16:53:02
旖旎风光2010-10-28 16:59:57
回复:How to stop the cat from whining?
maomaochiu2010-10-28 17:11:49
Same here; Long way to go: I haven't found a way out yet
tryonetry2010-10-28 17:28:12
please tell me you are kidding。。。
yhl882010-10-28 18:24:12
ditto here!
苏北土猫2010-10-28 18:30:30
cheerleaders2010-10-28 18:36:53
没有。 直接把你的米米给偶好了
北京土人2010-10-29 03:02:14
同说:只有一招:装死。。。 这招最灵