newGSDowner2010-11-23 19:30:56

Hi I am a new GSD owner. My GSD is a girl, 12 weeks plus. I have her for two days.Ihave some questions and confusions. Can someone help me please? (Sorry can't type chinese now).

Here is the situation:

I have no control whatsoever on the walk. When we went back, she was chasing a leaf flying in the air with the wind, and run quickly. I said no, and pulled the leash, didn't work. She is getting bigger, and I don't really want to fight with her. So basically if she doesn't listen. I have to follow her. This just scared me.


After home, I used a cookie to get her in the crate right away. She finished the cookie, and started to bark. I said no, quiet. She stopped. Then I left. Standing outside the front door, I heard she was still barking, and eventually it became crying. I stood there for 10 minutes. She was still crying when I got in the car and left.


My confusion is she is getting bigger and stronger. How to control her? 


The 2nd thing is why she was barking and crying for so long? She was not hungry. She had water. She got cookie when I left. I assume she didn't want to play, as she played with the flying leaf during the 1st walk, but refused to walk again ...


She was nervous outside today I guess due to the gusty wind here...

舞女2010-11-23 19:46:03
桑妮20102010-11-23 19:53:43
狗狗越大越懂事, 我们和小狗之间不是比谁的力气大, 谁控制谁的问题,
桑妮20102010-11-23 19:54:13
而是建立一个互相了解, 信任和爱的过程。 GS 是好狗。 需要一些时间。
新疆妹妹2010-11-23 20:04:12
maomaochiu2010-11-23 20:14:12
建议上puppy school。 还有,她叫她哭是因为不想让你走,要给她个chewing toy, like a Kong, 分
舞女2010-11-23 20:16:23
newGSDowner2010-11-23 20:26:19
回复:Help please
舞女2010-11-23 20:29:46
旖旎风光2010-11-23 21:31:08
co:建议上puppy school。 还有,她叫她哭是因为不想让你走,要给她个chewing toy, like a Kong
21882010-11-23 22:08:23
newGSDowner2010-11-24 02:14:08
玉翠2010-11-25 03:24:23
猫姨2010-11-30 15:35:17