xiaoxin22011-07-18 17:35:30

Just got 2 2 month old kittens. They started to scratch and jump on things and sometimes on me. It hurts. I feel like I have to declaw them. Is that bad for cats? I want to know how many of your cat lovers delawed your cats?

Another question, I got them litter trained but they still make a mess sometimes by getting the litter sand out or get stuff on their little paws and butts. Will this get better as they grow older? How do you guys keep your cats clean?

Thanks a million!

maomaochiu2011-07-18 19:15:28
Please do NOT declaw. It is like cutting the last chunk of your
sac2011-07-18 19:21:40
xiaoxin22011-07-18 19:33:44
Thanks for the replies. I'll see what I can do without declaw th
tryonetry2011-07-18 19:56:25
Well, you can clip their nails.
菜花2011-07-18 20:03:29
sac2011-07-18 20:15:12
xiaoxin22011-07-18 20:55:40
CO: 讲的非常好!能看出你是个充满爱心的猫妈
xiaoxin22011-07-18 20:58:05
回复:Well, you can clip their nails.
米西662011-07-18 22:14:31
请不要去掉他们的爪子, 听人说过,非常非常疼的,因为做的时候都不打麻药.菜花同学讲的真好.
catlady2011-07-18 22:46:57
非常同意楼上几位所说的。千万不要declaw猫猫, 任何时候都不要。
咪呜2011-07-18 23:14:43
co:非常同意楼上几位所说的。千万不要declaw猫猫, 任何时候都不要。
honeybun2011-07-18 23:19:31
they are only two-month old. when they grow up, some of the bad
家有肥猫2011-07-18 23:21:19
菜花2011-07-19 06:08:22
xiaoxin22011-07-19 19:20:53
Thanks everyone. I will not declaw them.
maomaochiu2011-07-19 20:29:13