zvents2011-07-30 04:19:24


maomaochiu2011-07-30 04:31:12
以前领养时通过的那个性情测试的证据还在么? 现在赶紧带狗去上课,争取尽快得到训狗师的证明
maomaochiu2011-07-30 04:42:20
maomaochiu2011-07-30 04:46:48
最后,如果你现在appeal the HOA decision, 至少在这期间不需要做他们勒令你做的那些吧?
zvents2011-07-30 05:05:20
回复:最后,如果你现在appeal the HOA decision, 至少在这期间不需要做他们勒令你做的那些吧?
zvents2011-07-30 05:13:42
另外,它在事发的时候,根本没有咬伤另一条狗。狗狗玩得时候就是咬来咬去的, 但他很有分寸的。
maomaochiu2011-07-30 05:29:19
sounds like a "he said, she said" situation, but the other side
zvents2011-07-30 05:39:29
回复:sounds like a "he said, she said" situation, but the other si
maomaochiu2011-07-30 13:51:05
therefore, you need to give them some words of mouth from people
maomaochiu2011-07-30 13:52:19
from people who have dealt with your dog before
zvents2011-07-30 18:35:00
Thanks! We will definitely do this.
猫狗大妈2011-07-30 21:30:45
不懂HOA是什么样的机构,是health 方面的吗?在hearing上,他们不给你机会解释就武断地作出决定?
maomaochiu2011-07-31 02:53:23
HOA是home owner association. 好像不应该有这种天大的权利的,但俺家住乡下,所以我也不是很懂。
zvents2011-07-31 04:07:19
回复:HOA是home owner association. 好像不应该有这种天大的权利的,但俺家住乡下,所以我也不是很懂。
AidanMom2011-07-31 05:59:21
hoa is very powerful in some states.
妙妙~2011-07-31 16:52:58
猫狗大妈2011-07-31 20:40:09
我google了一下,也是home owner association,他们怎会跟动物扯上关系,我真不知道。他们不应该有这样大的
zvents2011-07-31 23:21:39
回复:我google了一下,也是home owner association,他们怎会跟动物扯上关系,我真不知道。他们不应该有这
zvents2011-07-31 23:50:03
aidanmom2011-07-31 23:53:44
hug. poor dog.
猫狗大妈2011-07-31 23:58:31
AidanMom2011-08-01 00:04:06
zvents2011-08-01 01:07:18
谢谢你的理解, AIDANMOM。  我们家狗狗是从SHELTER里救下来的。
zvents2011-08-01 01:11:06
好建议, 我们可以试试看。谢了。
amylee_cn2011-08-01 07:12:36