A_Cat_Sitteer2011-11-15 20:50:55

As you know, I have two netured/spayed cats in Canada. I may relocate to USA.

I try to contact rental apartments in USA. about 30 companies/apartments


1/3 no pets

1/4 1 cat per suite

1/3 only front de-claws cats are permitted

leftover: very limited number, did not specify the de-claws policy. said cats welcome. and those neighborhoods are not that safe

How to shop around?? I will never de-claw my cats.





somebodywalkby2011-11-15 21:01:33
somebodywalkby2011-11-15 21:05:11
Churchill2011-11-15 21:05:34
可否试试价格合理的single house?
A_Cat_Sitteer2011-11-15 21:08:48
Montreal 就这点好,猫不限,我邻居5只猫+2大人 in 1室1厅, 不多交钱
honeybun2011-11-15 21:28:48
回复:Why is USA de-claws cats popular
A_Cat_Sitteer2011-11-15 22:13:52
one person, two cats, a single house is kind of expensive